Pen down your thoughts, in a day you might be at work, at home, in theatre or somewhere else. For example let's take work place, when you are working generally we don't work with complete attention, if you can observe your mind passively there will be lot of things going on inside your skull.
1) There can be fear of not succeding, fear of punishment, fear of losing your job
2) Your work might be output of psychological pressure, insecurity or to gain command over your collegue.
3) At that moment you might be trying to imitate somebody.
So there is so much of psychological stuff going on parallel to your work, it's great fun to observe that passively even when you are reading this there will be background chattering of the mind. Write down these psychological aspects, this exercise will save the energy which is getting wasted through conflict, fear, pressure,selfishness..etc. This exercise must be done out of your own interest seriously, not because you read this post or someone told you to do so.
I wish unconditional inner happiness and joy in your life.
Please forward to your friend circle if you see truth in these mails.
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It's a tragedy if the person becomes important not what he said.
Action for better society..
The true action for a better society is cleansing your mind from self centered activity, without waiting for the society to change, because you are the society and you are the world.

Saturday, August 24, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Behind RAPE
Below are my thoughts I might be wrong or right please use your own creative energy to see that no more men are turning into wild animals in our society because they are threat to all of us. I strongly feel women has to live with same sense of freedom and happiness as we do, because the social harmony and peace is interrelated to each and every ones happiness in life. I know most of you have respect for women but the present situation demands more open discussions and little more energy of yours. There are many complexities that we need to resolve behind this cruel action called "RAPE", without resolving them if we make stringent laws we are acting only on the peripheral of the issue, the center from which this action springs up still remains the same. Laws are necessary but not enough. In physical relationship the man and women both should have mutual agreement any action without that agreement proves that one is no more a MAN, we need to include this small fact in our education system. Physical relationship is a sacred thing through which creation happens, looking at it in vulgar sense is a sin. Having an affair seems to be heroic action, sex is just part of life not whole of it, we must learn how to get energy out of it and soon die to that pleasure. If we don't die to that pleasure thought uses it and turns your life into a mess. Few of the issues behind this cruelty seems to be 1) Female foeticide -- Because of this ratio of the girls is getting reduced, and more men are left with wild desires and the energy of these wild desires turning them into wild animals. 2) No sex education --When we don't teach a child sex as a part of the nature and how to involve in it in a dignified manner, vulgarity creeps into mind. Forget about the child can you and me talk about sex in a dignified manner, with out any vulgar thoughts, jokes and all the rest of it. 3) Entertainment -- For entertainment industry women are for luxury, inside the industry women may get paid more and may get good respect but because of the way they project women the common man is looking at women as a luxury thing. Indecent jokes about sexual organs has became fashion because of our present movies. As always said, please don't accept or deny my mails but make them your own by inquiring into them.
Monday, November 12, 2012
The shifting of focus
What is the difference between an intelligent mind and a dull mind?
The difference might be an intelligent mind can stay on something for required amount of time effortlessly. Staying on something might be listening to somebody while talking, reading a book or observing something with sensitive awareness.
In case of a dull mind it forces itself to stay focused. When I don't like doing something but still I need to do it then effort required to make my mind stay focused. But the challenging question is what if the work one is doing for his livelihood is out of effort not out of love? I feel this is a much bigger and enormous problem than what it seems to be.
Nature has given you and me extraordinary intelligent minds, with that intelligence you can get whatever you want and myself too. Only law by the nature is that this intelligence comes handy when there is love in your heart for what you are doing, not when your work is a means to you for success, popularity, money and the rest of it.
This is the actual responsibility of the education system, the teacher, the parent and the government to see that a student is entering into a field in which he can flower into a holistic human being. When a person loves his work the desire to be successful, famous, rich can not corrupt his mind, because his heart is already filled with joy and happiness.
Don't forget that it is you and me who has to think on things like these, not some special gurus, political leaders, religious teachers,ideals ..etc. I wish a bundle of energy for you and me in order to love the work that we are doing.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Psychological change doesn't come through effort
We never know the beauty of being alone not lonely but alone. Our minds are always occupied with innumerable fears, constant effort to become somebody, desire for power, money, authority..etc. Can the mind drop all these unnecessary psychological aspects naturally because all these are waste of energy, you may not agree if I say they are unnecessary but once if you see the beauty of a "mind without effort", then there is no argument further. No book, guru, religion or any idealogy can help you in dropping of these things naturally, they may seem like helping you initially but soon they will become burden, feed for more chattering of the mind. The only way that you can put your mind out of this unnecessary thought process is to give your own energy to it and just be witness to that thought process. One important logic that we should not miss here is that the dropping should be effortless because all psychological effort is about changing not understanding. In understanding there is transformation as a side effect not when you try to change yourself. The unburdened mind can see things clearly and natural intelligence flows along with that innocent mind. Is not this intelligence brings security in life? if there is division between our understanding and the way we behave, we are just playing with words.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Becoming and Being
The human being through out the world is ever lastingly trying to or thinking about changing his living conditions. He is trying to put himself in a little higher social, financial status and this very desire to change his status has its own energy and from that energy there are out come of different actions. That means you and I act to put ourselves in a different level not only outwardly but inwardly also it is happening. For example I see my colleague or my neighbor who is very intelligent, and for him or for her living seems to be effortless therefore without conflict, by seeing that you also want to live with that state of mind in which there is no conflict and also there is no psychological pain at all. For most of us unfortunately this desire to change will exists till the end of our breath, which means our life journey is a constant struggle to be somebody. Now is it not important for you and me to find out a way of life in which there is no shadow of fear, conflict and suffering?
If you say that is absolutely not possible then there no further inquiry but if you say let us see then we can begin, now can you find out for yourself by yourself this constant wastage of energy to be somebody both outwardly and inwardly, it is not that you should not live in better conditions but each and every human being should live a happy and joyful life the problem is very few are coloring their life with joy and undisturbed inner happiness. In this constant desire to become somebody or to change the present conditions of life what we missed out is the part of learning about the present condition of your life or the present state of mind. The best example for real growth is the life of a tree, no one might have observed its growth but when it grows it is rich and there is tremendous beauty in its life. I feel like for each moment of its growth it gathers all of its energy and makes it a meaningful moment. It can gather very easily because there is no becoming for it only being, unfortunately the whole human race is caught in becoming.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thought is division
Mind can easily get connected to or it can make relationship to things it is watching, when you are actually related to something understanding that thing is effortless for the mind. In order to relate to something the self must cease to exist, but vanishing of this self seems to be much more difficult than all the advancement of modern science including latest computer technology. Now what is preventing me and you to actually relate to something? Suppose let's say I am sitting in a park to exercise this task, if I am watching a leaf or a flower, for few seconds mind can watch it, but soon thought overtakes my mind and pretends as though it is helping me by analyzing the thing that I am watching and it is 100% true that it leads no where, because my whole life is filled up with this activity. If it is actually making your life beautiful there must be no sorrow in your life by this time. So basic fact is thought is dividing myself from the thing that I am watching whatever might be that thing, it might be a human being or a tree or mountain...etc. Is this nature of thought which is creating division between me and other forms is the root cause of all the chaos in the world?
The whole of thought and its subordinates like fear, ego, anxiety, and authority they all revolve around or survive on a promise that they will provide security. Yet they are the most inefficient, to bring a feeling of being completely secured. What is inward security at all, what you and I want to feel secure about? What if inward security is nothing but another illusion created by thought? Is all my psychological effort and struggle are about an illusion? Is it not intelligence to find out that psychological security is nothing but an illusion? Is not alertness, awareness and intelligence gives us a feeling of being secured? So negation of my own knowledge which is not fact seems to be real spirituality. Please do take care that you are purifying the content that I am sending through these mails. If these mails are not bringing any change in your day to day life or if you feel these are not useful for undisturbed inner happiness better you avoid them.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Self uses conflict for it's existance
Let’s say for example one day I was sitting lazily at home not doing any thing. After certain period of time the mind starts worrying about something and if we patiently observe the inner activities of our own mind, we can see how this pain came into being. I sit watching TV ignoring the important work that I need to complete, so inwardly I am thinking that it will be good if I complete that work but outwardly my action is trying to escape from that work by watching TV, even though if you are doing some other task other than that important work still this pain exists. We used to ignore that pain, some how our mind is conditioned to ignore inner disturbances. As long as we are ignoring we can say there is a division, and where ever there is division there must be conflict it’s the law of the nature. Conflict which is friction, slowly deteriorates the mind. By being sensitive to our inner disturbances we can learn facts which make life very beautiful and holistic.
I feel outwardly every nationalist wants every other human being must carry the flag of his nation, and every religious person wants only his religion should be true to all other human beings. So knowingly or unknowingly I want everybody should think like me, feel like me. This we can observe even in our small discussions that will happen in daily life, how people take sides of a politician, guru, ideology, religion and assert their own opinions. Is not this assertion a form of violence?
When there is no division between idea and action, it seems some other kind of energy from nature flows into our being, in that state the action is effortless and complete, this action is no less than any benediction. I wish a deep insight for you and me about what this division does to us.
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