Friday, May 28, 2010

Structure of thought

This inward revolution is mandatory if a person really wants to solve the problems of the society. Because as long as I am living with inward disorder, I am going to create problems for my self and in the society. I may involve in some social reform work but it has no value without order in my life. If I want to bring order first I must feel the importance of it in my day to day life. Now how do I learn about myself? Please think about it don't wait.

All the psychological problems are rooted in thinking so how can one understand the structure of the thought. This should be very clear before understanding the structure of the thought.

Can I be a witness to my thought process? That is can I stop judging this is right thought that is wrong thought and observe it as I watch a river in front of me, I can't do anything about the flow of the water I can just watch. All the judgment is an effort to become something or to achieve something. We are not interested in your thinking or mine rather we are exploring thinking which is common to all human beings.

Thought is divisive in nature not only it divides people outwardly based on religion, caste, creed, color, rich n poor, nationalism etc but it can make a human being into fragments. For example I have violent thoughts and also thought which says you must
be non violent. This dual nature breeds conflict. We lead our life perpetually in conflict. That means one thought trying to dominate or control the other thoughts and that controller becomes the authority in one self.

Who gave that authority to a particular thought? Thought is based on knowledge. This knowledge I gathered from books, religion, gurus, society, ideals....etc. This accumulated knowledge which is not learning, acts as authority in oneself. So one thing is clear that psychological authority both inwardly and outwardly is destructive.

Can I feel the danger involved in psychological knowledge as authority and wipe it out now, so that I can live with fresh mind?

Technological knowledge is necessary.

There is verbal and non verbal thinking, verbal is the chattering of the mind trying to interpret, analyze, trying to formulate the fact that you realized, trying to give continuation to something it experienced in the past. Non verbal is the act of a quiet and simple mind, having direct contact with "what is" having insight into something.

Our inquiry must be towards negating self not self improvement, as self causes suffering. So I am the enemy to myself. These are facts not ideas. Self negation leads to natural simplicity and happy is the man who is nothing. The word natural is important because it's not following somebody or imposed, it comes into being naturally when I feel
the importance of something in my life. Don't wait for the society to change.
Are psychological problems natural and by avoiding them life becomes dull or mechanical. I don't think so; a silent and intelligent mind can see things more clearly.

This state of living is there in ancient India I feel, the outcome is marvelous sculptures, vedas, even science like kamasutra, hasta samudrikam, ayurvedic, invention of zero by arya bhattu, music, dance forms...etc. Later that beauty was destroyed and interpreted by selfish human beings. The base for all these inventions is a silent and meditative mind it seems. The wrong step is inquiry turned into belief.

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