Like a computer a human mind can be effected by viruses and the virus I am talking about are for example
1) If I listen to a person and immediately tries to apply that in my life it acts
like a virus, no matter how much noble that person might be. Here your own
understanding is missing.
2) If my mind is always seeking psychological security it is a virus.
3) If I am never questioning what my thought says to me it is a virus.
4) Hatred is a virus which not only destroys your life but society also.
5) Desire to possess something is a virus.
6) Fear is the most dangerous virus.
7) Thinking attachment and love are same is a virus.
8) Never approaching a problem with an empty mind is a virus. Empty mind means the
mind in which there is no shadow of fear and which doesn't look for a solution
from the beginning rather tries to live with the problem which never run away
from the problem.
9) Living with images about yourself and about others is a virus, because of which
never dealing with the real person.
10)Living without natural simplicity is a virus.
11) Constant Comparison and competition is virus, because you will never be happy
with what you are in the present.
The anti virus for all these viruses is our constant awareness and learning about
them and never fighting or struggling against them to get rid off. You must be
light to yourself.
Except this whatever you do meditation, reading books, following some guru,
chanting, acquiring knowledge doesn't give you freedom.
The true action for a better society is cleansing your mind from self centered activity, without waiting for the society to change, because you are the society and you are the world.

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
krishnamurti poems set to music
This is the mail I got from the composer so hope some of you will like it..
If you want to write your opinion about this, listen the samples of the songs and the video with the song "I'm all" online to my website at:
I am a composer and I have set to music the poems of Jiddu Krishnamurti
I started reading books of J. Krishnamurti in 1970, but I discovered and read his poems just in 2002, when a friend of mine gave them to me for setting to music. Today, after setting the poems to music, I have more deeply understood what J. Krishnamurti's have said.
Since 2002 I haven't stopped working on these poems. I think that our world would be better, if people knew what Jiddu Krishnamurti have said. For this purpose I have created the album "Come Away" (Poetry Jiddu Krishnamurti - music George Stefanakis). Nine albums more are going to be published soon.
Krishnamurti's philosophy could be widely known through these songs. (I use this word- philosophy- as it has been created in ancient greek: philo=love sophia=truth. Love for the truth. )
For this purpose I created the album "Come Away" (Poetry Jiddu Krishnamurti - music George Stefanakis). Nine albums more are going to be published soon.
The long journey of communication between this work and the people all over the world begins now. Krishnamurti's philosophy could be widely known through these songs. To this purpose I ask your help that would be great if you disclose these songs to others. As for me, I must inform you that I work without music companies or sponsors. Of course I have been helpfully supported by many friends of J. Krishnamurti , but this work needs a lot of effort.
If you want to write your opinion about this, listen the samples of the songs and the video with the song "I'm all" online to my website at:
Thank you in advance
George Stefanakis
If you want to write your opinion about this, listen the samples of the songs and the video with the song "I'm all" online to my website at:
I am a composer and I have set to music the poems of Jiddu Krishnamurti
I started reading books of J. Krishnamurti in 1970, but I discovered and read his poems just in 2002, when a friend of mine gave them to me for setting to music. Today, after setting the poems to music, I have more deeply understood what J. Krishnamurti's have said.
Since 2002 I haven't stopped working on these poems. I think that our world would be better, if people knew what Jiddu Krishnamurti have said. For this purpose I have created the album "Come Away" (Poetry Jiddu Krishnamurti - music George Stefanakis). Nine albums more are going to be published soon.
Krishnamurti's philosophy could be widely known through these songs. (I use this word- philosophy- as it has been created in ancient greek: philo=love sophia=truth. Love for the truth. )
For this purpose I created the album "Come Away" (Poetry Jiddu Krishnamurti - music George Stefanakis). Nine albums more are going to be published soon.
The long journey of communication between this work and the people all over the world begins now. Krishnamurti's philosophy could be widely known through these songs. To this purpose I ask your help that would be great if you disclose these songs to others. As for me, I must inform you that I work without music companies or sponsors. Of course I have been helpfully supported by many friends of J. Krishnamurti , but this work needs a lot of effort.
If you want to write your opinion about this, listen the samples of the songs and the video with the song "I'm all" online to my website at:
Thank you in advance
George Stefanakis
Friday, July 2, 2010
Movement of thought and fear
When you sit silently in a park, office, home..., if you observe your thoughts, they take you into future or they recollect about the past happenings. If we can call that as movement of thought, my question to you is
Is there fear in the absence of that movement?
Can fear exist without the movement of thought?
If not can we say that movement itself is fear?
Be careful I am not asking you to stop thinking, I am asking you weather it is true or not?
Is there fear in the absence of that movement?
Can fear exist without the movement of thought?
If not can we say that movement itself is fear?
Be careful I am not asking you to stop thinking, I am asking you weather it is true or not?
Recently I have seen two good movies
Here I am writing my thoughts about them...
1) 3 Idiots
It is again another good movie from Amir khan, if one is really interested in learning then the movie tells you, before desiring for anything have you given a thought weather you deserve that or not. Suppose if you want to be a successful person in your job, what you are doing for that? Are you always thinking about that, if you are merely thinking you are living in illusion, to be successful first one must put away the concept of success and failure from his mind, and then only there is a possibility to learn about your work? Do you think you can be successful without loving what you are doing? If at all one is successful there is always fear involved in that, to sustain that success?
Are you running on the back of success or success is following you, if you are on the back of success your life will be miserable, because all your energy will be wasted in keeping that. Success follows you when you love what you are doing, not when you look at your work as a means to be recognized, famous, popular...etc all that nonsense.
2) Avatar
After seeing this movie I felt little funny, . Because in this movie the human race will be defeated by a race in another planet. Not because we were defeated but by making it a very big hit we accepted that we human beings are very violent, competitive and there is lack of love in their hearts. We accepted that encroachment is wrong but in reality every country and every human being is trying to do the same. If you really disagree with concept of power over others, then why don't you stop doing that first? It shows the duality in us that in one hand we want to live in peace and happiness at the same time we want authority over others. When you see truth you never wait for the society to change, that is a revolution within no time, and then strangely society follows you. Following somebody anyway doesn't bring change whereas learning brings natural and effortless change. You see till the time one shows the brutality in the form of a movie or story telling we are ready to accept, but if someone directly point out our mistakes we will become aggressive and resistant.
1) 3 Idiots
It is again another good movie from Amir khan, if one is really interested in learning then the movie tells you, before desiring for anything have you given a thought weather you deserve that or not. Suppose if you want to be a successful person in your job, what you are doing for that? Are you always thinking about that, if you are merely thinking you are living in illusion, to be successful first one must put away the concept of success and failure from his mind, and then only there is a possibility to learn about your work? Do you think you can be successful without loving what you are doing? If at all one is successful there is always fear involved in that, to sustain that success?
Are you running on the back of success or success is following you, if you are on the back of success your life will be miserable, because all your energy will be wasted in keeping that. Success follows you when you love what you are doing, not when you look at your work as a means to be recognized, famous, popular...etc all that nonsense.
2) Avatar
After seeing this movie I felt little funny, . Because in this movie the human race will be defeated by a race in another planet. Not because we were defeated but by making it a very big hit we accepted that we human beings are very violent, competitive and there is lack of love in their hearts. We accepted that encroachment is wrong but in reality every country and every human being is trying to do the same. If you really disagree with concept of power over others, then why don't you stop doing that first? It shows the duality in us that in one hand we want to live in peace and happiness at the same time we want authority over others. When you see truth you never wait for the society to change, that is a revolution within no time, and then strangely society follows you. Following somebody anyway doesn't bring change whereas learning brings natural and effortless change. You see till the time one shows the brutality in the form of a movie or story telling we are ready to accept, but if someone directly point out our mistakes we will become aggressive and resistant.
One needs patience to learn new things, a mind which is not looking for result all the time.
From childhood one has been told what to do, by parents, teachers, gurus, ideals, books.....etc, and one accepts this as psychological authority. Having such a kind of authority ie) psychological knowledge without my own investigation breeds conflict. Not only outside authority but your own conclusions, opinions, taking sides.....etc. We must question everything that is accepted by the society as morality. Seeing this as a fact means dropping all your accumulated psychological knowledge instantly without giving any time, and be free to say I don't know, is real change. These mails can also be dangerous if they become authority to lead your life, but if you understand it, see it as a fact then it is yours not mine. Because of this reason to say "It will be a tragedy if the person becomes important not what he said".
The question HOW to get rid of conflict is useless, if you see the danger of conflict in day to day life then you will move away from it effortlessly, seeing the danger means you have to be aware when it is really taking place in your mind. In that awareness you will find that psychological knowledge is root of conflict. This you can observe in a child, now please don't say an adult cannot live without any conflict, by saying that you are blocking your own way of investigation.
A boat can travel only in a river that means for boat journey water is the base, in the same manner the birth of conflict happens when there is psychological knowledge without your own understanding or inquiry, psychological knowledge is the base of conflict. That's why psychological authority in the form of religion, guru, sacred books, ideals, your own accumulated knowledge....etc is dangerous. The activity of learning is quiet a different matter than following something. Questioning, being skeptical about what the society accepted as truth and also your own accumulation of knowledge frees your mind. Any quality or virtue comes through understanding and learning not through effort and struggle.
Most of us are not interested to see all this, because it needs your attention and energy so simply we want somebody to tell what to do? I am not disrespectful to you, but as a good friend I would like to point out this to you.
From childhood one has been told what to do, by parents, teachers, gurus, ideals, books.....etc, and one accepts this as psychological authority. Having such a kind of authority ie) psychological knowledge without my own investigation breeds conflict. Not only outside authority but your own conclusions, opinions, taking sides.....etc. We must question everything that is accepted by the society as morality. Seeing this as a fact means dropping all your accumulated psychological knowledge instantly without giving any time, and be free to say I don't know, is real change. These mails can also be dangerous if they become authority to lead your life, but if you understand it, see it as a fact then it is yours not mine. Because of this reason to say "It will be a tragedy if the person becomes important not what he said".
The question HOW to get rid of conflict is useless, if you see the danger of conflict in day to day life then you will move away from it effortlessly, seeing the danger means you have to be aware when it is really taking place in your mind. In that awareness you will find that psychological knowledge is root of conflict. This you can observe in a child, now please don't say an adult cannot live without any conflict, by saying that you are blocking your own way of investigation.
A boat can travel only in a river that means for boat journey water is the base, in the same manner the birth of conflict happens when there is psychological knowledge without your own understanding or inquiry, psychological knowledge is the base of conflict. That's why psychological authority in the form of religion, guru, sacred books, ideals, your own accumulated knowledge....etc is dangerous. The activity of learning is quiet a different matter than following something. Questioning, being skeptical about what the society accepted as truth and also your own accumulation of knowledge frees your mind. Any quality or virtue comes through understanding and learning not through effort and struggle.
Most of us are not interested to see all this, because it needs your attention and energy so simply we want somebody to tell what to do? I am not disrespectful to you, but as a good friend I would like to point out this to you.
How can you change the society if you can’t change yourself?
We always want to bring some kind of change in society; my question to you is who is going to change you? Who will take that responsibility? You never look at yourself clearly and find out how you are living in this society, are you peaceful in your relationships? Are you a light to yourself? What is your understanding about day to day life?
If you don't find answers for all these questions and simply you say I will join some organization or I will follow somebody which is meaningless, then you haven't understood what is society? Or I can say your action then is not out of understanding, it is still part of self centered activity.
The present society needs action not lots of words, ideas, gurus, philosophies, religious dogmas....etc. The way you observe things, listen, relate to others is part of that action. The basic step to change the society is you must understand your thought because same thought is operating all over the world. Your thought is not different from mine, you may think it is but it is not, this feeling is again the illusion created by thought. You may think about something I might about something but we are using the same instrument which is called "THOUGHT".
If a person comes to you and says please understand yourself and if you are uneducated you will say go get me some beer, if you are educated you will destroy that person by making him a guru or worshiping him, in turn he will destroys you by putting you in some kind belief, illusion.
After reading the above content if one says everything is good but you haven't given solution for how to change the society, the answer will be, seeing something false as false is itself action, and only this action can save the present society. Seeing something false as false requires a observation which is sane, rational and holistic.
If you don't find answers for all these questions and simply you say I will join some organization or I will follow somebody which is meaningless, then you haven't understood what is society? Or I can say your action then is not out of understanding, it is still part of self centered activity.
The present society needs action not lots of words, ideas, gurus, philosophies, religious dogmas....etc. The way you observe things, listen, relate to others is part of that action. The basic step to change the society is you must understand your thought because same thought is operating all over the world. Your thought is not different from mine, you may think it is but it is not, this feeling is again the illusion created by thought. You may think about something I might about something but we are using the same instrument which is called "THOUGHT".
If a person comes to you and says please understand yourself and if you are uneducated you will say go get me some beer, if you are educated you will destroy that person by making him a guru or worshiping him, in turn he will destroys you by putting you in some kind belief, illusion.
After reading the above content if one says everything is good but you haven't given solution for how to change the society, the answer will be, seeing something false as false is itself action, and only this action can save the present society. Seeing something false as false requires a observation which is sane, rational and holistic.
Thought always try to give continuity to yesterday's experience. On Friday we went for outing, if one has lived completely all the time in "Celebrity homes" he returns back with very little memory about it, that means you will die psychologically for that experience, if that is not happened thought overtakes your mind and it creates an illusion about past happy time. Thought is cunning in it's nature, it always finds a way to escape from the fact, the fact is now, the now means the present time, in which you are reading this mail and after that you have to complete your tasks if your work is boring, thought will bring the illusion of having great time on Friday and deceives you. If the past experience is painful, still thought plays with it, it tells you take care so that it won't repeat again, which breeds fear not an intelligent action. Yesterday's experience is always a dead thing thought trying to repeat that experience breeds pain.
Pleasure and pain are two sides of a coin; you can't avoid one and invite the other.
There is nothing wrong in having a good experience by watching a movie, spending good time with your family/friends or plying an excellent shot in caroms/cricket....etc, the danger lies when I try to live in such a experience endlessly. Which is nothing but craving for an experience, when there is neither craving nor suppression in your mind experience is no more a problem for you.
To make it simple if you are living with awareness about yourself you are learning all the time. If the process of learning is occurring in your mind at that moment the doors for heavens are open for you, no kind of suffering can touch you. I hope you know learning doesn't mean accumulation of knowledge.
Die for your experiences so that you can live in the present moment, asking how to die is again the cunning activity of thought.
Pleasure and pain are two sides of a coin; you can't avoid one and invite the other.
There is nothing wrong in having a good experience by watching a movie, spending good time with your family/friends or plying an excellent shot in caroms/cricket....etc, the danger lies when I try to live in such a experience endlessly. Which is nothing but craving for an experience, when there is neither craving nor suppression in your mind experience is no more a problem for you.
To make it simple if you are living with awareness about yourself you are learning all the time. If the process of learning is occurring in your mind at that moment the doors for heavens are open for you, no kind of suffering can touch you. I hope you know learning doesn't mean accumulation of knowledge.
Die for your experiences so that you can live in the present moment, asking how to die is again the cunning activity of thought.
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