Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Occupation and Human mind

If you observe your day to day life which is the present, the mind is never empty, it is always occupied the occupation may differ but it is always occupied. This occupation might be your work, about future planning, recollecting past, desire, fear, social reform, spiritual enlightenment ...etc. they are infinite occupations, if it is not occupied we feel boring, lost, insecure, a sense of depression why? Can we see this simple fact and not moving from that fact, remain with it as though there is nothing further to achieve.

Now don't move and don't say good occupation or bad occupation just the fact is occupied, and the human mind occupied through out the history, whether it is king's mind in 17th century, or a poet's mind in 14th century or much before than that, human being history is filled with a mind which is occupied.

In the modern society this occupation has taken so many forms and it is called amusement and you might be aware that this entertainment industry is filled up with cores and cores of money, one can't imagine the money involved in it. The one who is behind this entertainment industry his mind is filled with money, power, popularity, might be drugs, sex....etc.

My question to myself and to you is why our brains so accustomed to occupation? Why we feel terrible when we are not occupied? Why such amount of fear when one is not occupied? Is there something wrong with an empty mind? Or as we never stayed in that state, it became something unknown, and we are afraid to enter into something unknown psychologically? Is empty mind the most creative on earth? Is empty mind required to see things clearly? Is innocent mind of a child empty?

Is absence of occupation death? Is living has any meaning when one divides life and death as two?

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