Sunday, October 10, 2010

True spirituality

Spirituality or philosophy has been misunderstood by most of us, the first thing comes to our mind is renunciation, detachment from all the worldly things. A person who is looking for renunciation has to question himself why he wants renunciation is it to attain something else like enlightenment, or he understood the matter of attachment, and the burdens attached to it. Please observe that if you want detachment to attain something it’s a business, because out of your detachment you are expecting something, this kind of action is painful and breeds conflict. Where as if you start learning what is involved in attachment, not for some goal or attain something else, but out of attention. That learning turns into action, and then you are not acting but that very learning brings change in you, and that is the beauty in the process of true learning.

That’s the reason people like Bhudha, Jiddu Krishnamurti or any other true guru acts like a mirror, in which you can see yourself and understand yourself as you are. So they say be a light to yourself. So true spirituality is all about learning, questioning and doubting in a healthy way, there is no place for belief in spirituality, there is no place for following or worshipping somebody. So be aware of the ugly guru’s who are coining money, and who tells you follow me.

The benefits of learning about yourself are extraordinary, one can not even imagine I feel. But as I said if you study keeping benefits in mind you will be left with ashes. The strength it gives you is beyond or can not be compared with the strength that you get with confidence and will power. If you see clearly will is nothing but a strengthened desire, so you are driven by your desire, it has been used by Hitler and the so called developed countries to create wars and get benefited by them. You may say this will power can be used for helping others, but my question is if you are expecting nothing out of your help, help them and die to whatever you have done to others, why do you need will power?

Recently I got a mail from one of my friend who is working in social organization and this mail states that they planted so and so number of trees for the upcoming rainy season, and also below he has given statistics which are there to prove that they have started first and they planted more no. of plants than others, and also some news articles about their organization from a popular news magazine. I really appreciated their effort to plant trees but I didn’t understood
Why he is competing with other organizations who are also there to do good things for the society?
This competition is creating havoc in the world, no one is in love with their work or life, when you are loving something there is no place for competition or comparison. The best social work might be love what you are doing and make your life effortless.

Friday, October 1, 2010

he and his friend on growth...

He used to be very shy, hesitant to speak to others, living with so many problems. He always tried to improve himself (personality development)
he has so many ideals he tries to imitate them. Basically he wants recognization from others like he is very intelligent, kind or some
kind of super humanbeing. He wants to be skillful person in all fields of life. He thought he was in right path as he is struggling to become something.

One find day fortunately another good friend of him asked why you are not happy with what you are?

H -- Him
HF -- His Friend

H : If I am happy with what I am how can I grow?
HF : Whatever the growth that you are saying can you see an end to that?
Your struggle to become something has really brought any change in
H : There is no end to growth we need to struggle till the end of our
HF : If you struggle till the end of your life what place has happiness
and joy in your life?
H : I can struggle and be happy
HF : Is that true? a mind which is struggling to become something and
constantly pushing itself for something can it be happy ever?
H : But if my mind stop struggling it will become dull and lazy.
HF : Is that so? Have you ever lived without that struggle and effort to
become something for a moment and see what happens? Don't you think
all that struggle to become is just loss of energy and is the root
cause of all human misery? Don't you think that very struggle
preventing you to live happily in the present moment?
H : Then you mean to say growth has no value in life?
HF : NO, stop struggling to become something and start understanding what
you are in the present. You might be afraid, unintelligent, selfish,
unhappy person stay with what you are, never say I must, as
struggling has stopped in your mind, your mind will become silent and
in that very silence the understanding of what you are begins, this
understanding is not self improvement, it is self negation it negates
what is wrong in your understanding. This negation is real growth.
Then you will come to know there is great intelligence in being
anonymous not famous, popular all that nonsense. Don't you think it
is time for you to look into yourself to see wheather that struggle
and effort exists in you or not?