Monday, December 26, 2011

Psychological pressure

Very unfortunately modern society has accepted psychological pressure as a way of life. You see sir; even some of us feel that without struggle and effort we are lost. We are in a feeling that without this struggle there is no progress, but on the contrary this human struggle and effort to become somebody is creating more misery and confusion through out the world. This very struggle to become is producing more destructive weaponry, destroying true love in human relationships. When my struggle to become or to show what I am to the world is all important to me, how can I love another human being, the other person is just a stepping stone to my progress. When you understand how this psychological struggle destroys inner happiness, that very understanding brings undisturbed inner happiness in oneself. Where there is love (it's a state of mind), there can not be a single problem in life. Love is negation of self not self improvement.

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