Sunday, April 11, 2010

authority to know about yourself is destructive..

Religions have made self-knowledge very mystical, abstract, and far away, but if you look at it more closely, you will see that self-knowledge is very simple and demands simple attention in relation­ship—and it is essential if there is to be a fundamental revolution in the structure of society. If you, the individual, do not understand the ways of your own thought and activities, merely to bring about a superficial revolution in the outer structure of society is to create further confusion and misery. If you do not know yourself, if you follow another without knowing the whole process of your own thinking and feeling, you will obviously be led to further confusion, to further disaster.
Whomever you follow, he or she will become your psychological authority. Don't you realise that bible, geeta, khuran all these so called sacred books became authority for humanbeings, and this very authority prevents me or conditioned humanbeing to look at himself directly. Also there is one more authority known as knowledge (psychological) which I accumulated through books, ideals, religions...etc, which I will never question. Any form of authority is destructive in coming direct contact with myself. Even the speaker (JK) as authority is destructive, he is not exclusive to that. Real discussion means, learning from each other.

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