Monday, June 21, 2010

Importance of order in human life

Universe exists based on order, universe includes baby smile to galaxy of stars. Order out of intelligence is essential for universe as well as human life. This intelligence can be part of only an innocent mind, not a cunning, selfish mind. One may climb the ladder of success, earn some good money, property and all the rest of it but it's not that supreme intelligence. That intelligence can only come into being when the heart is filled with love towards what one is doing. Action out of this intelligence is free of conflict and it is the right action. One may have an exceptional skill but if he is always worried about his security in relationships is that intelligence?. Can I love you if I am always safe guarding myself from you?

The order, discipline means act of learning all the time, not to become something but learning out of love. Where there is order there is no friction and no division between me and not me. As when there is no division you are that which you are learning. Discipline out of suppression is stupidity where as if it is out of understanding of the activities of the mind, it is something entirely different. If one is interested in order the first step must be he must find out why there
is disorder in his life, if you try directly for order you will return with empty hands. Understanding my disorder itself is order isn't it?

Don't you think all the reformers political, spiritual, social workers ultimately want this order in the society, but the tragedy is they are running back of the society which is created by human being. They never realize a simple fact that bringing order, sacredness, and sanity in their life has much more importance than running back of society.

Since past thousands of years they caught in a wrong trap and never willing to think with a quiet mind. After all human being is the society, his mind created the society, society has not created the mind. So it's highest priority to understand the human mind not your mind or my mind but human nature. Do you see this it's complex, boring, not profitable thing to understand your mind, because of this
reason you and I are not interested to look into ourselves. More fashionable thing is to talk about the society, politics, it's an escape mind has invented and we are caught in that.

What is or who is behind this order of the universe, it's easy to say god, eternal, universal force as per a scientist...etc, but it's difficult for us to see the fact that it is something unknown, which can not be known by a selfish and limited mind. In order to feel that immeasurable the mind must expand beyond the limits of nationalism, caste, creed, my god your god, self centered activities. I feel only a mind which has no division in itself can only feel that thing. One may accept birth but not death but both are part of that order, which born out of sacred love.

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