Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Peace on earth..

The world will change only by changing yourself.

As long as there is no fundamental change in you and me, it is very little significance to do charity work, revolutions; helping others, ideologies, sacred books nothing can save the humanity from the present chaos.

If you really interested to change the society change yourself,

Replace attachment with love in your life.

Don't run after success, power, position, money, sex...etc, be in love with what you are doing not the end result.

It's the activity of a corrupted mind to always looking for the end result.

Don't compare, compete as your fellow human beings are same like you, when you are dead for comparison, competition you will go beyond comparison.

You can come out of things like comparison, competition, violence, desires, fears, loneliness, morality of the social structure only by understanding them. Understanding happens when you live with them, without acceptance or denial.

That understanding and learning about oneself through looking at our relationships, observing our day to day living is the most fundamental duty of a human being. When one ignore this learning there is no beauty or happiness in life.

So please realize the importance of learning about day to day life, action out of this learning is effortless and only this action can bring peace on earth.


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