Sunday, September 5, 2010

Can you stand for something?

Don't you think the only instrument we have is our brain, and it guides not only physical organism of the body but also our way of life. A human being is completely dependent on its functionality, in other terms he became a slave to it.

You might feel strange but we became slaves to our brain, when you don't question your own knowledge you are a slave. If you open up your eyes and see the world you can observe for yourself what this brain has done to the humanity for its own convenience.

Behind every corruption, self centered activity, misery, suffering, brutality the activity of the brain exists. As long as it is creating division between me and not me there is no peace on earth. We are ignorant to learn about its activities and working nature, as much as we are unaware of our breathing. It is very simple to observe thought divides people in
the name of religion, nationality, caste, god and what not ideologies, creed, color, language, financial status....etc. It divides because its existence is based on division, and where ever there is division there must be conflict.

We are interested to discuss, analyze, talk about the misery in the world, but ignorant to know about ourselves. In us lies the whole world, in whatever part of the world you might be you suffer and rest also, you desire for something and rest also, you live with darkness of fear and rest also, and you reduced the activity of brain to seek security and the rest also, you think and the rest also. These are all common factors to humanity yet you are living with a misunderstanding that there is your thinking, your suffering, your desire...etc.

Your brain acts as a censor it judges and weighs all the time, it measures in terms of me and not me consciously or unconsciously. The extraordinarily intelligent brain is caught in fear; its functioning has been reduced to seek security. In learning about it you can correct its functionality which is negation of what is wrong in your understanding. This is the most fundamental social work that one can take up.

If selling weapons is my business, my security and my existence lies in dividing people and creating conflict, and you can observe what a havoc such a mind has created in the world. Because of this selfish mind children are living without proper care, huge numbers of people are living in poverty, disorder where ever you see, endless corruption. Now it's up to you, whether you want to be a victim of this selfish mind or you want to act intelligently, sanely and a heart filled with love which is untouched by selfish thought, such a living might be dangerous, lead to death or it might be an extraordinary life full of beauty and richness, can you stand for it without waiting for the society to change?

Outwardly we advanced tremendously but inwardly we just think that we matured, but please question your thinking?

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