Sunday, September 5, 2010

What you lose when you grow?

From the moment you open your eyes till the moment you close your eyes in this world the constant companion for every human being is "the process of learning"

When one is child:

Every child is blessed with sensitive and innocent mind which is open to learn new things.

a) Learning new things is natural for the child, this natural learning includes
having fun and joy and there is absence of struggle and effort.
b) A baby can look into your face with wide open eyes; because the child has not
yet formed any image about him/her which he/she should protect from your
c) As the child's mind is not burdened with psychological knowledge which is memory
he lives from moment to moment, because of which he is not subjected to
yesterday's burdens, that means thought is acting in its right place.
d) Also there is no effort to become something psychologically (famous, rich,
popular, near to god, recognition in the society).
e) The child doesn't need psychological security which is an illusion, which means
it doesn't exist. Psychological security means thinking that no body should
insult me, I should not do any mistake, what if somebody questions me when I
done something wrong.....etc, always protecting my image which I created about
myself as a respectful person, which is rather a dreadful thing, which causes
enormous loss of energy, makes me isolated from the rest of the humanity. He
obviously needs physical security from mother. What happens to all this beauty
and glory when one becomes elder person?

f) The first wrong step will be when a parent / teacher start teaching him
comparison and competition. You are putting him in a race knowingly or
unknowingly which will never ends. It is simple to observe the person who is
ambitious is always on the back of a result, he can only be happy when he meets
the result, rest of the time his life is filled with effort and struggle. He is
losing the present moment, where only the act of learning can happen. Putting
somebody as an ideal is also part of this race; learning from somebody is quite
different from worshiping some guru, politician, religious person. It is the
most undignified thing to fell on somebody's feet how great, noble he might be,
instead of being a light to yourself.
g) Slowly thought is overtaking the child's mind which is divisive and cunning in
its nature, where as insight is quiet different it occurs when your mind silent,
fresh and young not burdened with psychological knowledge. Insight might be the
thought which is rational, logical and sane. The constant chattering of the mind
is nothing but activity of the thought for "psychological security" as we said
it is an illusion.
h) Thought which springs from memory is limited, from that psychological knowledge
which is nothing but memory, thought creates image about yourself and the
others, not only others but about society, religions....etc. There is constant
effort and struggle in your mind to protect that image, which is again an
illusion not reality.
i) When two people who created images about themselves and about other person
meets, can they have true relationship? Initially they might meet closely, but
slowly their images are going to meet not the actual human beings. That means I
don't know what you are and you don't know what I am in reality, but we are
still good friends or good enemies to each other :-)
j) If you try to follow what is being said, you are going to fail. If you question
the content of this mail, understand it thoroughly then it is yours not mine,
because that day you can write hundred mails like this may be much better than
this. Action out of understanding is effortless, where as when you follow
somebody with out base (your own understanding), it breeds conflict.

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