Society is nothing but network of relationships between human
beings. So if you know how to bring peace in your relationships you
are in turn forming a peaceful society. Now the question is not how to bring peace in our relationships rather why there is no peace in our present
You want something from somebody and as long as that person
comforts you or he/she behaves as you wish you say he is my best
friend, and the moment he stopped that you say he/she is my enemy, is that
what you call relationship?
When you want to possess a girl/boy but he/she hates you or rejects you, how do you feel? Don't you feel painful if you are not educated enough you will become aggressive and behaves like an animal. So till the end of your life you will live with these hurts and one day you will die, is it not mandatory to learn why you are getting hurt in your day to day life. Can't you understand your own expectation in relationship is the root cause of suffering not the other person who doesn’t love you?
Don't you think it is so stupid and childish, you do live with all these misunderstandings about life, you never solve the problems of fear, desire, suffering, relationship but if you lived with intelligence for a moment,
you think you are intelligent. I can never establish True relationship
as long as I don't understand about myself. When you start understanding about yourself, slowly you will realize you are the rest of the mankind. Because you
suffer and the other also, you expect something in relationship and other too, you fear about your security and the other too, you say you are good and the
society is corrupted and the other also, you wait for the other to change and the
other also, you argue that he is wrong and he also do the same.
This chain you can broke only if you step forward without waiting for the society to change. This very act of stepping forward is a revolution within, which comes
through understanding of what you are in the present and it is the real education and this revolution might be the greatest bliss that human being can have.
This revolution comes through awareness about self without any effort or struggle.
I may give or take something from that person but when I expect that he/she will always loves me, you will definitely end up in suffering. True relationship is only possible when there no psychological expectation at any level from the other person, because the other is also a human being like you and he is also doing the same thing. With that very ending of expectation starts a pure sense of love.
Can you understand these things so deeply so that they become your day to day life, which means never saying "I understood", because true self education is eradicating the self not self improvement.
The true action for a better society is cleansing your mind from self centered activity, without waiting for the society to change, because you are the society and you are the world.

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
What I am going to write is what I understood from JK teachings about GOD.
May be hard to believe as we have to break our beliefs, but truth only can make
you free.
1) There is no difference between those who believe and who don't
believe in GOD. As both are forms of belief, belief prevents inquiry.
2) Human being for his own convenience invented GOD and he takes
shelter in that image. So the GOD present in different parts of the world are
the product of human thought.
3) Different religions preached about faith in god and make the human
being blind. Unfortunately for this unrealistic GOD man fights and kills people.
He is shedding blood all through centuries to protect his faith, because he
finds security in it. Truth doesn't need propaganda.
4) So all our knowledge, books, religions, gurus becoming hindrance to
see the actuality. One should understand all these things very carefully in
order to end this wrong journey. Only way out is "you must be light to yourself".
5) There is a sense of feeling after reading K is that, it is mandatory to
understand the structure of thought. Only when thought comes to its right
place there is a possibility to feel the otherness.
6) K used words like "otherness, absolute reality, eternal" and used word GOD
rarely. Because the word is not the thing, so when somebody says GOD, all
our images, opinions about GOD pops up and prevents to see the actual.
7) The state of mind which can perceive truth is innocent, sensitive, living with
self negation which is intelligence, awareness in which effort is absent,
nothingness, natural simplicity.
8) A child can forget or erase his memories very easily but as we grow older we
lost that beauty. If we can observe the above statement there is something
wrong in it, "a child can forget" this statement gives an impression that he can
do it intentionally but if we observe a child this process of forgetting is so
natural as it is natural there is no effort. Through learning about ourselves this
naturality can come into being. Memory in certain areas of life is necessary but
psychologically it has very little or no place. That memory or knowledge about
me is the base of self, can we see this as a fact.
9) Suffering is not a way to god. Fasting, celibacy, rejecting beauty, torturing in
the name of god is not a way to god. Suppression or craving for sex, is not the
activity of a healthy mind.
10) If at all somebody has felt the truth in this mail, they can observe in
themselves how hard it is to detach to something which we cling
Truth lies in simple things.
Attachment creates self but love doesn't.
Reality is the interval between two thoughts.
May be hard to believe as we have to break our beliefs, but truth only can make
you free.
1) There is no difference between those who believe and who don't
believe in GOD. As both are forms of belief, belief prevents inquiry.
2) Human being for his own convenience invented GOD and he takes
shelter in that image. So the GOD present in different parts of the world are
the product of human thought.
3) Different religions preached about faith in god and make the human
being blind. Unfortunately for this unrealistic GOD man fights and kills people.
He is shedding blood all through centuries to protect his faith, because he
finds security in it. Truth doesn't need propaganda.
4) So all our knowledge, books, religions, gurus becoming hindrance to
see the actuality. One should understand all these things very carefully in
order to end this wrong journey. Only way out is "you must be light to yourself".
5) There is a sense of feeling after reading K is that, it is mandatory to
understand the structure of thought. Only when thought comes to its right
place there is a possibility to feel the otherness.
6) K used words like "otherness, absolute reality, eternal" and used word GOD
rarely. Because the word is not the thing, so when somebody says GOD, all
our images, opinions about GOD pops up and prevents to see the actual.
7) The state of mind which can perceive truth is innocent, sensitive, living with
self negation which is intelligence, awareness in which effort is absent,
nothingness, natural simplicity.
8) A child can forget or erase his memories very easily but as we grow older we
lost that beauty. If we can observe the above statement there is something
wrong in it, "a child can forget" this statement gives an impression that he can
do it intentionally but if we observe a child this process of forgetting is so
natural as it is natural there is no effort. Through learning about ourselves this
naturality can come into being. Memory in certain areas of life is necessary but
psychologically it has very little or no place. That memory or knowledge about
me is the base of self, can we see this as a fact.
9) Suffering is not a way to god. Fasting, celibacy, rejecting beauty, torturing in
the name of god is not a way to god. Suppression or craving for sex, is not the
activity of a healthy mind.
10) If at all somebody has felt the truth in this mail, they can observe in
themselves how hard it is to detach to something which we cling
Truth lies in simple things.
Attachment creates self but love doesn't.
Reality is the interval between two thoughts.
Some good video links
Video links of Jiddu Krishnamurti.
Video links of Jaya Prakash Narayan - English - Telugu
I can try to reform the society but who is going to reform myself, don't you think it is my duty ?? The best thing one can do for society is to live in a selfless manner, don't wait for the society to change otherwise it takes infinite time to change.
Video links of Jaya Prakash Narayan - English - Telugu
I can try to reform the society but who is going to reform myself, don't you think it is my duty ?? The best thing one can do for society is to live in a selfless manner, don't wait for the society to change otherwise it takes infinite time to change.
Reading this blog might be dangerous
Reading this blog is dangerous, if you are not attentive about what is going on in your mind when you are reading these mails. Our minds are used to formulate or make set of rules when we read something like this. I must think like this or I should not think in that manner these are set of rules I am talking about. Creating this kind of rules breeds’ conflict, when I formulate learning process or feeling the content of the mail is missing. So these mails may become your authority which guide you how to live which is dangerous. The true guide is your own intelligence which comes from moment to moment awareness.
Suppose after reading this mail your mind might say I should not formulate I must be aware in my day to day life but it is still a kind of formulation right. If you can be a witness to this thought process when it is really taking place in your mind
there is revolution in no time.
Please observe this content is the outcome when I negated my mail, i.e.) I am not attached to my mails. With this kind of negation these mails can be more useful. In our day to day life also we need a simple and rational mind which can negate the falseness or illusions in our thinking. When somebody is purifying the gold he obviously lose some material but it is wastage we must take it out, psychologically we should also do the same but we cling to the mud that is stored up in the brain because we feel it gives us security, but in reality it avoids intelligence.
This mud is nothing but the accumulated knowledge through books, knowledge, gurus, ideals....etc. While taking input we must take the purified content, and purification happens when the mind is attentive not when it believes. This accumulated knowledge
prevents direct perception or insight into psychological issues i.e.) fear, desire, anger, hatred ....etc. Be aware your mind, it might say you must be attentive.
So through understanding can we stop becoming something i.e.) I must be this or I must not be that or I must do this or I must not do that. All our energy is drained in becoming something psychologically. Can we feel this fact and start being aware or witness to our thought process and stop trying to change it as all the effort to change is to become something. I feel change is a side effect when I am learning about myself and it's not predefined. Predefinition is the illusion created or trick played by thought to avoid change.
Suppose after reading this mail your mind might say I should not formulate I must be aware in my day to day life but it is still a kind of formulation right. If you can be a witness to this thought process when it is really taking place in your mind
there is revolution in no time.
Please observe this content is the outcome when I negated my mail, i.e.) I am not attached to my mails. With this kind of negation these mails can be more useful. In our day to day life also we need a simple and rational mind which can negate the falseness or illusions in our thinking. When somebody is purifying the gold he obviously lose some material but it is wastage we must take it out, psychologically we should also do the same but we cling to the mud that is stored up in the brain because we feel it gives us security, but in reality it avoids intelligence.
This mud is nothing but the accumulated knowledge through books, knowledge, gurus, ideals....etc. While taking input we must take the purified content, and purification happens when the mind is attentive not when it believes. This accumulated knowledge
prevents direct perception or insight into psychological issues i.e.) fear, desire, anger, hatred ....etc. Be aware your mind, it might say you must be attentive.
So through understanding can we stop becoming something i.e.) I must be this or I must not be that or I must do this or I must not do that. All our energy is drained in becoming something psychologically. Can we feel this fact and start being aware or witness to our thought process and stop trying to change it as all the effort to change is to become something. I feel change is a side effect when I am learning about myself and it's not predefined. Predefinition is the illusion created or trick played by thought to avoid change.
Structure of thought
This inward revolution is mandatory if a person really wants to solve the problems of the society. Because as long as I am living with inward disorder, I am going to create problems for my self and in the society. I may involve in some social reform work but it has no value without order in my life. If I want to bring order first I must feel the importance of it in my day to day life. Now how do I learn about myself? Please think about it don't wait.
All the psychological problems are rooted in thinking so how can one understand the structure of the thought. This should be very clear before understanding the structure of the thought.
Can I be a witness to my thought process? That is can I stop judging this is right thought that is wrong thought and observe it as I watch a river in front of me, I can't do anything about the flow of the water I can just watch. All the judgment is an effort to become something or to achieve something. We are not interested in your thinking or mine rather we are exploring thinking which is common to all human beings.
Thought is divisive in nature not only it divides people outwardly based on religion, caste, creed, color, rich n poor, nationalism etc but it can make a human being into fragments. For example I have violent thoughts and also thought which says you must
be non violent. This dual nature breeds conflict. We lead our life perpetually in conflict. That means one thought trying to dominate or control the other thoughts and that controller becomes the authority in one self.
Who gave that authority to a particular thought? Thought is based on knowledge. This knowledge I gathered from books, religion, gurus, society, ideals....etc. This accumulated knowledge which is not learning, acts as authority in oneself. So one thing is clear that psychological authority both inwardly and outwardly is destructive.
Can I feel the danger involved in psychological knowledge as authority and wipe it out now, so that I can live with fresh mind?
Technological knowledge is necessary.
There is verbal and non verbal thinking, verbal is the chattering of the mind trying to interpret, analyze, trying to formulate the fact that you realized, trying to give continuation to something it experienced in the past. Non verbal is the act of a quiet and simple mind, having direct contact with "what is" having insight into something.
Our inquiry must be towards negating self not self improvement, as self causes suffering. So I am the enemy to myself. These are facts not ideas. Self negation leads to natural simplicity and happy is the man who is nothing. The word natural is important because it's not following somebody or imposed, it comes into being naturally when I feel
the importance of something in my life. Don't wait for the society to change.
Are psychological problems natural and by avoiding them life becomes dull or mechanical. I don't think so; a silent and intelligent mind can see things more clearly.
This state of living is there in ancient India I feel, the outcome is marvelous sculptures, vedas, even science like kamasutra, hasta samudrikam, ayurvedic, invention of zero by arya bhattu, music, dance forms...etc. Later that beauty was destroyed and interpreted by selfish human beings. The base for all these inventions is a silent and meditative mind it seems. The wrong step is inquiry turned into belief.
All the psychological problems are rooted in thinking so how can one understand the structure of the thought. This should be very clear before understanding the structure of the thought.
Can I be a witness to my thought process? That is can I stop judging this is right thought that is wrong thought and observe it as I watch a river in front of me, I can't do anything about the flow of the water I can just watch. All the judgment is an effort to become something or to achieve something. We are not interested in your thinking or mine rather we are exploring thinking which is common to all human beings.
Thought is divisive in nature not only it divides people outwardly based on religion, caste, creed, color, rich n poor, nationalism etc but it can make a human being into fragments. For example I have violent thoughts and also thought which says you must
be non violent. This dual nature breeds conflict. We lead our life perpetually in conflict. That means one thought trying to dominate or control the other thoughts and that controller becomes the authority in one self.
Who gave that authority to a particular thought? Thought is based on knowledge. This knowledge I gathered from books, religion, gurus, society, ideals....etc. This accumulated knowledge which is not learning, acts as authority in oneself. So one thing is clear that psychological authority both inwardly and outwardly is destructive.
Can I feel the danger involved in psychological knowledge as authority and wipe it out now, so that I can live with fresh mind?
Technological knowledge is necessary.
There is verbal and non verbal thinking, verbal is the chattering of the mind trying to interpret, analyze, trying to formulate the fact that you realized, trying to give continuation to something it experienced in the past. Non verbal is the act of a quiet and simple mind, having direct contact with "what is" having insight into something.
Our inquiry must be towards negating self not self improvement, as self causes suffering. So I am the enemy to myself. These are facts not ideas. Self negation leads to natural simplicity and happy is the man who is nothing. The word natural is important because it's not following somebody or imposed, it comes into being naturally when I feel
the importance of something in my life. Don't wait for the society to change.
Are psychological problems natural and by avoiding them life becomes dull or mechanical. I don't think so; a silent and intelligent mind can see things more clearly.
This state of living is there in ancient India I feel, the outcome is marvelous sculptures, vedas, even science like kamasutra, hasta samudrikam, ayurvedic, invention of zero by arya bhattu, music, dance forms...etc. Later that beauty was destroyed and interpreted by selfish human beings. The base for all these inventions is a silent and meditative mind it seems. The wrong step is inquiry turned into belief.
Psychological evolution is the illusion created by thought
Psychological evolution is the illusion created by thought. Evolution outwardly has a meaning, outwardly means from animal to human being. The same evolution we accepted psychologically also. i.e.) today I am violent and after reading some books or controlling I will become non-violent. This evolution is the trick played by thought on our mind in order to avoid change or postpone it. Meanwhile I will be violent. So here the key point is time, evolution involves time. To become something you need time, where as if you start understanding what you are in the present doesn't involve time. Action is always in the present.
Revolution involves no time, i.e.) seeing the danger involved when a mind is caught in fear, desire, anxiety, hate....etc and moving away from it. When I am hungry I don't analyze my hunger I will eat. So it is important to feel deeply these dangers of life. That attention towards psychological problems makes you free not your effort to be free.
This inward revolution is mandatory if a person really wants to solve the problems of the society. Because as long as I am living with inward disorder, I am going to create problems for my self and in the society. I may involve in some social reform work but it has no value without order in my life. If I want to bring order first I must feel the importance of it in my day to day life. Now how do I learn about myself? Please think about it don't wait.
All the psychological problems are rooted in thinking so how can one understand the structure of the thought.
Revolution involves no time, i.e.) seeing the danger involved when a mind is caught in fear, desire, anxiety, hate....etc and moving away from it. When I am hungry I don't analyze my hunger I will eat. So it is important to feel deeply these dangers of life. That attention towards psychological problems makes you free not your effort to be free.
This inward revolution is mandatory if a person really wants to solve the problems of the society. Because as long as I am living with inward disorder, I am going to create problems for my self and in the society. I may involve in some social reform work but it has no value without order in my life. If I want to bring order first I must feel the importance of it in my day to day life. Now how do I learn about myself? Please think about it don't wait.
All the psychological problems are rooted in thinking so how can one understand the structure of the thought.
Psychological knowledge breeds conflict
I would like to talk about psychological knowledge, is it necessary at all?
One must have knowledge in his field i.e.) mathematics, science, medicine...etc but is there a necessity for psychological knowledge.
This knowledge is the residue of the input that we take from gurus, books, religions, ideals, and our own accumulation of knowledge with out proper investigation....etc.
We can call it as consciousness, now the question is what happens in the absence of this knowledge? Try to empty your consciousness for a second; one is blessed with fresh and innocent mind which can see the things directly not through the screen of
knowledge. Only in that state is there possibility for love to come into being?
Is psychological knowledge necessary in relationship?
Can you look at your friend, your work, your family...etc with fresh mind anew? When you say I know somebody, what you know is the image that you created about that person according to your own convenience not the real person. You may say the image and the real person are same? But please go into it when you are in direct contact
with somebody you don't create any image. Image is static but the person is living and continuously changing entity.
With knowledge comes ignorance and it conditions the mind. Intelligence uses knowledge. When I say I must be this or that it is based on psychological knowledge and it breeds conflict. So can we live in such way that there is no kind of compulsion, suppression, and craving in our mind? Can you feel that state of mind?
Based on this knowledge we act, so our action is based on past which is not action at all.
There is entirely different kind of action based on direct perception which doesn't involve time and it is not reaction. Time means interval between idea and action.
So like thought knowledge has its right place. Thought knowledge and time are interrelated. There is an ending of thought through understanding of thought structure not through control. Meditation is not controlling thought rather being aware of thought process and finding out what takes place for human mind in absolute stillness.
One must have knowledge in his field i.e.) mathematics, science, medicine...etc but is there a necessity for psychological knowledge.
This knowledge is the residue of the input that we take from gurus, books, religions, ideals, and our own accumulation of knowledge with out proper investigation....etc.
We can call it as consciousness, now the question is what happens in the absence of this knowledge? Try to empty your consciousness for a second; one is blessed with fresh and innocent mind which can see the things directly not through the screen of
knowledge. Only in that state is there possibility for love to come into being?
Is psychological knowledge necessary in relationship?
Can you look at your friend, your work, your family...etc with fresh mind anew? When you say I know somebody, what you know is the image that you created about that person according to your own convenience not the real person. You may say the image and the real person are same? But please go into it when you are in direct contact
with somebody you don't create any image. Image is static but the person is living and continuously changing entity.
With knowledge comes ignorance and it conditions the mind. Intelligence uses knowledge. When I say I must be this or that it is based on psychological knowledge and it breeds conflict. So can we live in such way that there is no kind of compulsion, suppression, and craving in our mind? Can you feel that state of mind?
Based on this knowledge we act, so our action is based on past which is not action at all.
There is entirely different kind of action based on direct perception which doesn't involve time and it is not reaction. Time means interval between idea and action.
So like thought knowledge has its right place. Thought knowledge and time are interrelated. There is an ending of thought through understanding of thought structure not through control. Meditation is not controlling thought rather being aware of thought process and finding out what takes place for human mind in absolute stillness.
Desire to possess
In recent news of Andhra Pradesh we are watching attack on girls, I just given a thought about it. I felt the root cause might be the desire to possess something which one likes.
When one fails to possess it turns into jealousy and you know the result of it through recent happenings.
Unfortunately in our movies and in society it is accepted that jealousy is a form of love or related to love. Actually they are not together at all. If I really love somebody I won't expect anything from them. There should be no reason and condition to love somebody; otherwise it's a product of thought not pure love.
And also misunderstanding of physical attraction as love. So can we understand it and step out of effort to possess something. If you really understand this you can discuss with teenagers who might be your relative, friend...etc
When one fails to possess it turns into jealousy and you know the result of it through recent happenings.
Unfortunately in our movies and in society it is accepted that jealousy is a form of love or related to love. Actually they are not together at all. If I really love somebody I won't expect anything from them. There should be no reason and condition to love somebody; otherwise it's a product of thought not pure love.
And also misunderstanding of physical attraction as love. So can we understand it and step out of effort to possess something. If you really understand this you can discuss with teenagers who might be your relative, friend...etc
I think it is very important to understand pleasure. The structure of the society is based on pleasure. The endless entertainment whether it is cricket, reality shows, movies, religious, the pleasure of having authority, having fun in hurting somebody with your words, sex there are innumerable pleasures.
These pleasures help you to escape from yourself. I don't want to look at vanity or shallowness inside me so I will go to movie, watch TV show, joins some NGO to help the poor...etc. There is nothing wrong in doing all the above actions as long as it is not an escape from your fears, desires, emptiness....etc. If I am intelligent I will put a question to myself why there are poor people at all not what I have to do to end poverty.
Individuals and organizations are working towards banishing poverty and bring peace on earth through out centuries why they failed?
If I am not afraid of being honest I will find out that self centered activity of human being is the root cause of all this misery. The tool for breaking this vicious circle is real education which is knowing about yourself not commercial education. Somebody can tell me you are behaving selfishly but finally it is me who has to act and this action must be out of time that is in the active present. So can I step out of the society without waiting for the society to change?
Suppose I have seen a valley with full of natural beauty which is filled with lush greenery, flowers, it's marvelous curves, the passing clouds that breath taking beauty abandons the self effortlessly. I mean that beauty wipes out all your sorrows, fears, anxieties, cravings for a moment we simply forget about ourselves. The next day if you are back to your routine life and suppose if you are caught in fear or something else I mean again life became burden for you what happens? Thought goes back and try to chew that experience which is stored up in brain cells. This very try for repetition
causes pain. The example you can replace with sexual pleasures, craving for power position...etc.
These pleasures help you to escape from yourself. I don't want to look at vanity or shallowness inside me so I will go to movie, watch TV show, joins some NGO to help the poor...etc. There is nothing wrong in doing all the above actions as long as it is not an escape from your fears, desires, emptiness....etc. If I am intelligent I will put a question to myself why there are poor people at all not what I have to do to end poverty.
Individuals and organizations are working towards banishing poverty and bring peace on earth through out centuries why they failed?
If I am not afraid of being honest I will find out that self centered activity of human being is the root cause of all this misery. The tool for breaking this vicious circle is real education which is knowing about yourself not commercial education. Somebody can tell me you are behaving selfishly but finally it is me who has to act and this action must be out of time that is in the active present. So can I step out of the society without waiting for the society to change?
Suppose I have seen a valley with full of natural beauty which is filled with lush greenery, flowers, it's marvelous curves, the passing clouds that breath taking beauty abandons the self effortlessly. I mean that beauty wipes out all your sorrows, fears, anxieties, cravings for a moment we simply forget about ourselves. The next day if you are back to your routine life and suppose if you are caught in fear or something else I mean again life became burden for you what happens? Thought goes back and try to chew that experience which is stored up in brain cells. This very try for repetition
causes pain. The example you can replace with sexual pleasures, craving for power position...etc.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A story of Buddha
Once you turn your face into the face of death and look into it's eyes and look at it like a child. It is your friend not your enemy, enemy is yourself with all your desires, fears, seeking endless pleasures, comparison, competition...etc.
Death is something which gives freedom from all this misery. We must learn how to live in the present and this is possible if we can learn what death is not what after death is. Weather it is death, fear, desire, anxiety or whatever we are magnifying those
problems by running away from them. You can only dissolve them through understanding. Problem and learning can not go together. Suppose if I see fear or my job as a problem I will try to runaway from it. So I think first step is to get detached from
the problem and not look at it as a problem then you will see problem as an opportunity to learn. Unfortunately from our childhood
we are trained for solving problems we never learned how to have joy in solving a problem. We think through comparison and competition learning improves but on the contrary it makes you dull or makes you feel something great about your self which is so foolish in both ways. If you can accept what you are and not trying to change it there is tremendous joy, in this joy only true learning is possible.
Once there was a woman named Kisagotami, whose first-born son died. She was so stricken with grief that she roamed the streets carrying the dead body and asking for help to bring her son back to life. A kind and wise man took her to the Buddha. The Buddha told her, "Fetch me a handful of mustard seeds and I will bring your child back to life." Joyfully Kisagotami started off to get them. Then the Buddha added, "But the seeds must come from a family that has not known death." Kisagotami went from door to door in the whole village asking for the mustard seeds, but everyone said, "Oh, there have been many deaths here", "I lost my father", I lost my sister". She could not find a single household that had not been visited by death. Finally Kisagotami returned to the Buddha and said, "There is death in every family. Everyone dies. Now I understand your teaching." The Buddha said, "No one can escape death and unhappiness. If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed."
When somebody dies I feel sad why?
Is it because he lost his beautiful life or Is it because I lost his companion, all those moments that I cherished with him no more I can have them, if it is I am concerned about myself not his life.
I would like to repeat one must be light to oneself, please don't depend on any book, guru, ideal, friend.....etc to learn about you. It will become a crutch for you. It will be a tragedy if the person becomes important not what he said.
Death is something which gives freedom from all this misery. We must learn how to live in the present and this is possible if we can learn what death is not what after death is. Weather it is death, fear, desire, anxiety or whatever we are magnifying those
problems by running away from them. You can only dissolve them through understanding. Problem and learning can not go together. Suppose if I see fear or my job as a problem I will try to runaway from it. So I think first step is to get detached from
the problem and not look at it as a problem then you will see problem as an opportunity to learn. Unfortunately from our childhood
we are trained for solving problems we never learned how to have joy in solving a problem. We think through comparison and competition learning improves but on the contrary it makes you dull or makes you feel something great about your self which is so foolish in both ways. If you can accept what you are and not trying to change it there is tremendous joy, in this joy only true learning is possible.
Once there was a woman named Kisagotami, whose first-born son died. She was so stricken with grief that she roamed the streets carrying the dead body and asking for help to bring her son back to life. A kind and wise man took her to the Buddha. The Buddha told her, "Fetch me a handful of mustard seeds and I will bring your child back to life." Joyfully Kisagotami started off to get them. Then the Buddha added, "But the seeds must come from a family that has not known death." Kisagotami went from door to door in the whole village asking for the mustard seeds, but everyone said, "Oh, there have been many deaths here", "I lost my father", I lost my sister". She could not find a single household that had not been visited by death. Finally Kisagotami returned to the Buddha and said, "There is death in every family. Everyone dies. Now I understand your teaching." The Buddha said, "No one can escape death and unhappiness. If people expect only happiness in life, they will be disappointed."
When somebody dies I feel sad why?
Is it because he lost his beautiful life or Is it because I lost his companion, all those moments that I cherished with him no more I can have them, if it is I am concerned about myself not his life.
I would like to repeat one must be light to oneself, please don't depend on any book, guru, ideal, friend.....etc to learn about you. It will become a crutch for you. It will be a tragedy if the person becomes important not what he said.
Death as a friend
It's a simple fact that there is ending for every human being. If one can realize this fact
not because somebody said but for you yourself, then you are not escaping from death.
Instead you will save all your energy that you spent in escaping it. Death always teaches you about detachment but we go for attachment. This attachment being nationality, religion, family....etc.
You may ask what is wrong if I get attached to my family or my nation.
The answer is try to experiment by getting detached to somebody whom you hold very dear may be for a few minutes. Detachment is not isolating yourself but ending that "selfish" part in relationship. If you can do this very seriously you can observe that with detachment comes a sense of pure love.
Now you love that person for no reason and also the whole world. That love knows no boundaries, no division of me and not me, and no pain which comes when you expect something from somebody. Memorizing or keep on thinking about somebody is not love, that thinking might be giving pleasure to me.
Once you turn your face into the face of death and look into its eyes and look at it like a child. It is your friend not your enemy, enemy is yourself with all your desires, fears, seeking endless pleasures, comparison, competition...etc.
This content is from day to day life which is ignored by most of us.
not because somebody said but for you yourself, then you are not escaping from death.
Instead you will save all your energy that you spent in escaping it. Death always teaches you about detachment but we go for attachment. This attachment being nationality, religion, family....etc.
You may ask what is wrong if I get attached to my family or my nation.
The answer is try to experiment by getting detached to somebody whom you hold very dear may be for a few minutes. Detachment is not isolating yourself but ending that "selfish" part in relationship. If you can do this very seriously you can observe that with detachment comes a sense of pure love.
Now you love that person for no reason and also the whole world. That love knows no boundaries, no division of me and not me, and no pain which comes when you expect something from somebody. Memorizing or keep on thinking about somebody is not love, that thinking might be giving pleasure to me.
Once you turn your face into the face of death and look into its eyes and look at it like a child. It is your friend not your enemy, enemy is yourself with all your desires, fears, seeking endless pleasures, comparison, competition...etc.
This content is from day to day life which is ignored by most of us.
Change in you brings change in society
Please observe there are so many religions preaching peace, so many ideals, innumerable systems and individuals who are trying to end corruption and bring peace into the world, and they are working from the past centuries. They all failed as you can observe the present society, because I am not ready to change. I am waiting for a collective and massive change, which is not a change at all. So it's becoming endless.
I think we need a revolution within ourselves through understanding and intelligence not outward revolution like a communist. This society is created by you and me; it is the outcome of our anger, jealousy, competition, craving for pleasure, going after
endless entertainment. If I want to discard that I must step out of it through understanding and real education.
I think the solution lies in simple things but we want massive change, the first step is myself not the society. You see sir, the difficulty lies here, I am ready to change the society but not myself, I am never realizing that I am the society. Society is a network
of relationships between you and me and the other. So if I can bring radical change in relationship with the other that will definitely affect the society.
As per my understanding the one example I can give you is "Mr Jaya Prakash Narayan". In this chaotic society he is looking for win-win situation. Finally what I want to say is, "the revolution must start within oneself through understanding of day to day life" if you take Buddha, I don't think he waited for the society to change. As a educated person if I change the political system will change.
Yes negation is intelligence, through negation you can come to positivity not the other way.
I found the solution here... ( try your luck.
Open for discussion not for argument, if you want to argue you already won.
You have all the right to discard this mail if you don't like my view, that is also fine with me...still you are my friend.
I think we need a revolution within ourselves through understanding and intelligence not outward revolution like a communist. This society is created by you and me; it is the outcome of our anger, jealousy, competition, craving for pleasure, going after
endless entertainment. If I want to discard that I must step out of it through understanding and real education.
I think the solution lies in simple things but we want massive change, the first step is myself not the society. You see sir, the difficulty lies here, I am ready to change the society but not myself, I am never realizing that I am the society. Society is a network
of relationships between you and me and the other. So if I can bring radical change in relationship with the other that will definitely affect the society.
As per my understanding the one example I can give you is "Mr Jaya Prakash Narayan". In this chaotic society he is looking for win-win situation. Finally what I want to say is, "the revolution must start within oneself through understanding of day to day life" if you take Buddha, I don't think he waited for the society to change. As a educated person if I change the political system will change.
Yes negation is intelligence, through negation you can come to positivity not the other way.
I found the solution here... ( try your luck.
Open for discussion not for argument, if you want to argue you already won.
You have all the right to discard this mail if you don't like my view, that is also fine with me...still you are my friend.
Understanding K’s teachings..
What is love without motive? Can there be love without any incentive, without wanting something for oneself out of love? Can there be love in which there is no sense of being wounded when love is not returned? If I offer you my friendship and you turn away, am I not hurt? Is that feeling of being hurt the outcome of friendship, of generosity, of sympathy? Surely, as long as I feel hurt, as long as there is fear, as long as I help you hoping that you may help me - which is called service - there is no love. If you understand this, the answer is there.
If you read carefully the above paragraph, you might have observed that the content is about what is not love; there is no concrete definition of love. But if you observe in the world everybody tries to explain what love is. So the tragedy is they are trying to put in to words something which can not be expressed through words. Whatever they are expressing is according to their own understanding and convenience. From those definitions I will take the one which comforts me. Obviously which is not love, so to find out love I must understand what not love is.
Through negation you have to come to positivity. That negation is intelligence.
Things to be taken care
I thought of bringing these few points to your mind,
1) One has to be light to oneself.
2) It's a tragedy if the person becomes more important than what he/she told.
What is love without motive? Can there be love without any incentive, without wanting something for oneself out of love? Can there be love in which there is no sense of being wounded when love is not returned? If I offer you my friendship and you turn away, am I not hurt? Is that feeling of being hurt the outcome of friendship, of generosity, of sympathy? Surely, as long as I feel hurt, as long as there is fear, as long as I help you hoping that you may help me - which is called service - there is no love. If you understand this, the answer is there.
If you read carefully the above paragraph, you might have observed that the content is about what is not love; there is no concrete definition of love. But if you observe in the world everybody tries to explain what love is. So the tragedy is they are trying to put in to words something which can not be expressed through words. Whatever they are expressing is according to their own understanding and convenience. From those definitions I will take the one which comforts me. Obviously which is not love, so to find out love I must understand what not love is.
Through negation you have to come to positivity. That negation is intelligence.
Things to be taken care
I thought of bringing these few points to your mind,
1) One has to be light to oneself.
2) It's a tragedy if the person becomes more important than what he/she told.
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