Questioning and doubting is good rather than blindly believing something, stating that. What I understood in my life is, the root cause of all the misery in the world is self-centered activity of human mind, it is simple to observe as long as we don't add ifs and buts to it, or divide, analyze and make it more and more complex problem.
Now my question to all of us is what should be the action to stop this self-centered activity. This mind which is consumed only with self security can destruct anything, and it is very much evident by looking at the present society, the ugly wars, poverty, utter violence, authority..etc. Am I not living with such a mind, if yes who is going to change me or you? the society is waiting for me to change and in turn I am waiting for the society to change, so it takes never ending time.
How do you solve this problem? If you say this is human nature we can't change there is nothing further to go, but if you think there might be an action we can perform, we can discuss together. Please don't think this is not related to this you, this is common to everyone, because such a mind can be danger to all our plants, children, the whole of our existence. You may ignore it but it won't ignore us, can you see the truth of this matter?
Why I am writing is there are innumerable social organizations, thinkers, philosophers, religions, gurus, charity works, political / social reformers...etc all they seemed to be failed as we look at the present society and they are there from the past centuries. Seeing all this what I understood is, this charity and social work is necessary but not sufficient. The root of all misery exists in human mind it creates the society, and you also living with it, now the question is who is going to clean it?, which might be the most complex education that one can take up.
The true action for a better society is cleansing your mind from self centered activity, without waiting for the society to change, because you are the society and you are the world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010
Solitude indicates a fresh mind
In the life we generally lead there is very little solitude. Even when we are alone our lives are crowded by so many influences, so much knowledge, so many memories of so many experiences, so much anxiety, misery and conflict that our mind become duller and duller, more and more insensitive, functioning in a monotonous routine. Are we ever alone? Or are we carrying with us all the burdens of yesterday? There is a rather nice story of*monks walking from one village to another and they come upon a young girl sitting on the bank of a river, crying. And one of the monks goes up to her and says, `Sister, what are you crying about?' She says, `You see that house over there across the river? I came over this morning early and had no trouble wading across but now the river has swollen and I can't get back. There is no boat.' `Oh,' says the monk, `that is no problem at all', and he picks her up and carries her across the river and leaves her on the other side. And the*monks go on together. After a couple of hours, the other monk says, `Brother, we have taken a vow never to touch a woman. What you have done is a terrible sin. Didn't you have pleasure, a great sensation, in touching a woman?' and the other monk replies, `I left her behind*hours ago. You are still carrying her, aren't you?' That is what we do. We carry our burdens all the time; we never die to them, we never leave them behind. it is only when we give complete attention to a problem and solve it immediately - never carrying it over to the next day, the next minute that there is solitude. Then, even, if we live in a crowded house or are in a bus, we have solitude. And that solitude indicates a fresh mind, an innocent mind.
This content I have copied from
This content I have copied from
Our Responses are conditioned
What is the importance that you give to know about yourself? If you buy a new TV in your home you have to go through the manual and slowly you have to learn one by one operation. If you don't learn there is no use for that TV, it merely exists in your home as a decorative item. The same is happening with us, we merely exist without any beauty in life.
One has to start learning from his/her day to day life, from little things, things like the way you talk, walk, relate to others...etc. In that learning we can discover that our responses are very much conditioned by books, religions, society, parents, ugly guru's who are coining money, our own knowledge....etc. In that very learning or silent observation the conditioning of the mind wipes out, but if you fight against your conditioning that effort or struggle brings another form of conditioning. So we always move one conditioning to another conditioning, we are never able to dissolve them, so that we can live with a free mind, which is not dependent on outside authority to resolve the problems of life.
It is very difficult for us to be aware of our own thinking, just to be aware, because in that awareness life flowers. It is difficult for us because the moment we start doing something we want some result out of it, we want to achieve something out of it. We never know how to observe or look at something without any motive or goal, we trained in such a way our life is full of motives, goals, success stories. We never know that when there no motive, goal there is attention in your observation, as only the mind without motive can stay in the present.
The motive is to become something; there is always striving, struggle in life which is preventing us to live the present moment. We are not living we are dragging our life, day after day year after year. It is so sad that we don't utilize our extraordinary intelligent mind, we depend on others and soon we will become slaves to some guru, book, ideal and this slavery continues till the end of our life. If you have any problem you instantly turn towards your dependency, and you are never realizing that this dependency brings lots of pain and suffering.
All our responses are conditioned that is what has been said above, is that true? Can you observe your day to day life and find out answer for yourself? That single moment in life in which you say, yes this is a fact and this is actually happening in my life has a great effect than reading thousands of books.
A day with complete happiness in your heart and intelligence in your mind is better than a struggled life of hundred years.
One has to start learning from his/her day to day life, from little things, things like the way you talk, walk, relate to others...etc. In that learning we can discover that our responses are very much conditioned by books, religions, society, parents, ugly guru's who are coining money, our own knowledge....etc. In that very learning or silent observation the conditioning of the mind wipes out, but if you fight against your conditioning that effort or struggle brings another form of conditioning. So we always move one conditioning to another conditioning, we are never able to dissolve them, so that we can live with a free mind, which is not dependent on outside authority to resolve the problems of life.
It is very difficult for us to be aware of our own thinking, just to be aware, because in that awareness life flowers. It is difficult for us because the moment we start doing something we want some result out of it, we want to achieve something out of it. We never know how to observe or look at something without any motive or goal, we trained in such a way our life is full of motives, goals, success stories. We never know that when there no motive, goal there is attention in your observation, as only the mind without motive can stay in the present.
The motive is to become something; there is always striving, struggle in life which is preventing us to live the present moment. We are not living we are dragging our life, day after day year after year. It is so sad that we don't utilize our extraordinary intelligent mind, we depend on others and soon we will become slaves to some guru, book, ideal and this slavery continues till the end of our life. If you have any problem you instantly turn towards your dependency, and you are never realizing that this dependency brings lots of pain and suffering.
All our responses are conditioned that is what has been said above, is that true? Can you observe your day to day life and find out answer for yourself? That single moment in life in which you say, yes this is a fact and this is actually happening in my life has a great effect than reading thousands of books.
A day with complete happiness in your heart and intelligence in your mind is better than a struggled life of hundred years.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
is not emotion
is not sentiment
is not opposite of hate
is not ambition
is not attachment
is not something which can be described in words
is not when there is division between me and not me
is not self centered activity
is not in the scope of thinking
is not where self is present
is not where there is effort or struggle to become something psychologically
The very act of negating what is false in oneself is nature of love, it negates even
at the cost of death also. We are good at finding what is false in other not in ourselves. When you clean your mind with great passion and intelligence then
GOD will be working for you, but you can’t do this to invite GOD, this is my understanding so don’t take it as granted observe your life for yourself.
When you say I love you, you don't love at all as when you are, love is not
Love is being nothing yet with out love life has no meaning, life becomes very superficial
Only when this love flowers in human hearts, there is an end of poverty, corruption, confusion, violence and all the madness of the present society, so what I am writing is not some kind of dream or illusion but it's purely practical
and rational.
is not sentiment
is not opposite of hate
is not ambition
is not attachment
is not something which can be described in words
is not when there is division between me and not me
is not self centered activity
is not in the scope of thinking
is not where self is present
is not where there is effort or struggle to become something psychologically
The very act of negating what is false in oneself is nature of love, it negates even
at the cost of death also. We are good at finding what is false in other not in ourselves. When you clean your mind with great passion and intelligence then
GOD will be working for you, but you can’t do this to invite GOD, this is my understanding so don’t take it as granted observe your life for yourself.
When you say I love you, you don't love at all as when you are, love is not
Love is being nothing yet with out love life has no meaning, life becomes very superficial
Only when this love flowers in human hearts, there is an end of poverty, corruption, confusion, violence and all the madness of the present society, so what I am writing is not some kind of dream or illusion but it's purely practical
and rational.
There is disorder in our society and the root for this disorder in the world is in human mind, after all it is the one which creates the society. We ignored or unaware of this simple fact and we try to bring order in society not in our lives, if one can bring order and peace in his life, he can effect his surroundings. Disorder is basically misunderstanding about day to day life...
1) Accepting authority in the form of guru's, books, religions, our own inner
authority (unpurified knowledge) to know about ourselves.
2) Never knowing the futility of effort and struggle to become something
3) Never understanding deeply the basic components of day to day life like fear,
desire, love, attachment, relationship, pleasure...etc
4) Never knowing the power of questioning, doubting
5) Not understanidng Love is not attachment
6) Never looking at life with simple mind, which is not confused.
7) Never knowing true security lies in intelligence, love not in money, power,
8) Never aware of incessant chattering going on in our minds.
9) Never observing or looking at something with a silent and still mind.
10) Never understanding competition, comparision makes us dull and more
aggressive, violent human beings.
11) Never observing how thought is diving human beings on the basis of me and
not me.
12) The unknown fear about death, never knowing the beauty and vitality of
13) Never realizing suffering is common to all humanity it is not personal.
And there are N number of misunderstandings about day to day life because of which the present society is like this, as long as we don't correct our lives doing social reform is meaningless. Understanding my disorder brings natural and effortless order in my life not my effort to bring order.
1) Accepting authority in the form of guru's, books, religions, our own inner
authority (unpurified knowledge) to know about ourselves.
2) Never knowing the futility of effort and struggle to become something
3) Never understanding deeply the basic components of day to day life like fear,
desire, love, attachment, relationship, pleasure...etc
4) Never knowing the power of questioning, doubting
5) Not understanidng Love is not attachment
6) Never looking at life with simple mind, which is not confused.
7) Never knowing true security lies in intelligence, love not in money, power,
8) Never aware of incessant chattering going on in our minds.
9) Never observing or looking at something with a silent and still mind.
10) Never understanding competition, comparision makes us dull and more
aggressive, violent human beings.
11) Never observing how thought is diving human beings on the basis of me and
not me.
12) The unknown fear about death, never knowing the beauty and vitality of
13) Never realizing suffering is common to all humanity it is not personal.
And there are N number of misunderstandings about day to day life because of which the present society is like this, as long as we don't correct our lives doing social reform is meaningless. Understanding my disorder brings natural and effortless order in my life not my effort to bring order.
Why do we have conflicting desires? Means a desire to have something and an opposite desire which says don't. Is not that opposite desire springs from self protective mechanism of thought? Can there be happiness or joy as long as the mind is seeking security in its action or assurance for safety before acting?
The morality of the present society is immorality, when society tells you must suppress your desires whey are you accepting them? The man who revolt against suppression ends up in craving for desires which is also dangerous, so can you find out a state of mind in which there is neither suppression nor longing for desires. Whatever such a mind does is sane, it may involve in physical relationship, earning money...whatever but not killing or hurting another. Because when there is neither craving nor suppression there is freedom and wisdom in your action.
When you accumulate psychological knowledge like how to live, how to act ...etc, this knowledge also breeds conflict. Knowledge goes with ignorance, I can listen to somebody, read a book but questioning, doubting is mandatory, which purifies the intake. I hope you are doing the same with my mails too.
How do you break it ( out of intelligence ), that is by seeing the damage that a conflict can cause to our mind. If you don't break it one has to live in perpetual conflict till the end of life, which is not living at all.
Please understand for yourself conflict deteriorates your mind, it can make extraordinary intelligent mind into a shallow, limited and useless thing, conflict is such a dangerous thing to live with, you can't fight against conflict as the very fight is another conflict, you can end conflict only through understanding and learning about conflict and how it takes birth in your mind.
The morality of the present society is immorality, when society tells you must suppress your desires whey are you accepting them? The man who revolt against suppression ends up in craving for desires which is also dangerous, so can you find out a state of mind in which there is neither suppression nor longing for desires. Whatever such a mind does is sane, it may involve in physical relationship, earning money...whatever but not killing or hurting another. Because when there is neither craving nor suppression there is freedom and wisdom in your action.
When you accumulate psychological knowledge like how to live, how to act ...etc, this knowledge also breeds conflict. Knowledge goes with ignorance, I can listen to somebody, read a book but questioning, doubting is mandatory, which purifies the intake. I hope you are doing the same with my mails too.
How do you break it ( out of intelligence ), that is by seeing the damage that a conflict can cause to our mind. If you don't break it one has to live in perpetual conflict till the end of life, which is not living at all.
Please understand for yourself conflict deteriorates your mind, it can make extraordinary intelligent mind into a shallow, limited and useless thing, conflict is such a dangerous thing to live with, you can't fight against conflict as the very fight is another conflict, you can end conflict only through understanding and learning about conflict and how it takes birth in your mind.
What is getting hurt?
Dear Friends,
If you are facing difficulty in understanding the mails, I recommend reading "Freedom from the Known" by JK.
When I have an image about myself, that I am a good, kind and intelligent human being or whatever it might be. Somebody comes along and says you are a fool or some unpleasant thing, I say I got hurt.
Now the question is what is getting hurt?
Is it the image that I created about myself?
If you are facing difficulty in understanding the mails, I recommend reading "Freedom from the Known" by JK.
When I have an image about myself, that I am a good, kind and intelligent human being or whatever it might be. Somebody comes along and says you are a fool or some unpleasant thing, I say I got hurt.
Now the question is what is getting hurt?
Is it the image that I created about myself?
Occupation and Human mind
If you observe your day to day life which is the present, the mind is never empty, it is always occupied the occupation may differ but it is always occupied. This occupation might be your work, about future planning, recollecting past, desire, fear, social reform, spiritual enlightenment ...etc. they are infinite occupations, if it is not occupied we feel boring, lost, insecure, a sense of depression why? Can we see this simple fact and not moving from that fact, remain with it as though there is nothing further to achieve.
Now don't move and don't say good occupation or bad occupation just the fact is occupied, and the human mind occupied through out the history, whether it is king's mind in 17th century, or a poet's mind in 14th century or much before than that, human being history is filled with a mind which is occupied.
In the modern society this occupation has taken so many forms and it is called amusement and you might be aware that this entertainment industry is filled up with cores and cores of money, one can't imagine the money involved in it. The one who is behind this entertainment industry his mind is filled with money, power, popularity, might be drugs, sex....etc.
My question to myself and to you is why our brains so accustomed to occupation? Why we feel terrible when we are not occupied? Why such amount of fear when one is not occupied? Is there something wrong with an empty mind? Or as we never stayed in that state, it became something unknown, and we are afraid to enter into something unknown psychologically? Is empty mind the most creative on earth? Is empty mind required to see things clearly? Is innocent mind of a child empty?
Is absence of occupation death? Is living has any meaning when one divides life and death as two?
Now don't move and don't say good occupation or bad occupation just the fact is occupied, and the human mind occupied through out the history, whether it is king's mind in 17th century, or a poet's mind in 14th century or much before than that, human being history is filled with a mind which is occupied.
In the modern society this occupation has taken so many forms and it is called amusement and you might be aware that this entertainment industry is filled up with cores and cores of money, one can't imagine the money involved in it. The one who is behind this entertainment industry his mind is filled with money, power, popularity, might be drugs, sex....etc.
My question to myself and to you is why our brains so accustomed to occupation? Why we feel terrible when we are not occupied? Why such amount of fear when one is not occupied? Is there something wrong with an empty mind? Or as we never stayed in that state, it became something unknown, and we are afraid to enter into something unknown psychologically? Is empty mind the most creative on earth? Is empty mind required to see things clearly? Is innocent mind of a child empty?
Is absence of occupation death? Is living has any meaning when one divides life and death as two?
Do my mails really bring some change in society?
Frankly these mails will be having very little effect, after all these are mails not living things. But when one takes interest in them, and go little deeper into himself, in that learning the change comes very naturally not through effort and struggle, this change or revolution in your psyche can effect the relations between you and your fellow human beings. Till the time that revolution hasn't taken place in you these mails are just nothing but lot of words, no value at all for them.
One must start learning from the day to day life, and it is possible when your mind is not confined by the ignorance of knowledge. Knowledge is necessary in certain areas of life, without that we can't function but we are talking about psychological knowledge. Psychological knowledge being the storage of all hurts, fears, desires, opinions, conclusions...etc. This knowledge is really a hindrance to learn something which is unknown, and also we have fear about something unknown, we find security in something which is known to us already.
Psychologically if you want to change...
Don't say I must be like this from now onwards but
Live with what you are presently and learn about that state of mind.
Example: - It's wrong to say that I must do something for the society; it is intelligence to question yourself why the world is like this, instead of infinite resources on earth why human being is killing others for his security? Why one is caught in seeking authority, success, power, position, money.
If you are serious in your learning, true action comes out of that learning and only this action can save the present humanity from suffering not my mails. Meditation doesn’t keep your mind in order, you have to keep it in order through learning about day to day life, and then meditation starts.
One must start learning from the day to day life, and it is possible when your mind is not confined by the ignorance of knowledge. Knowledge is necessary in certain areas of life, without that we can't function but we are talking about psychological knowledge. Psychological knowledge being the storage of all hurts, fears, desires, opinions, conclusions...etc. This knowledge is really a hindrance to learn something which is unknown, and also we have fear about something unknown, we find security in something which is known to us already.
Psychologically if you want to change...
Don't say I must be like this from now onwards but
Live with what you are presently and learn about that state of mind.
Example: - It's wrong to say that I must do something for the society; it is intelligence to question yourself why the world is like this, instead of infinite resources on earth why human being is killing others for his security? Why one is caught in seeking authority, success, power, position, money.
If you are serious in your learning, true action comes out of that learning and only this action can save the present humanity from suffering not my mails. Meditation doesn’t keep your mind in order, you have to keep it in order through learning about day to day life, and then meditation starts.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Can you stand for something?
Don't you think the only instrument we have is our brain, and it guides not only physical organism of the body but also our way of life. A human being is completely dependent on its functionality, in other terms he became a slave to it.
You might feel strange but we became slaves to our brain, when you don't question your own knowledge you are a slave. If you open up your eyes and see the world you can observe for yourself what this brain has done to the humanity for its own convenience.
Behind every corruption, self centered activity, misery, suffering, brutality the activity of the brain exists. As long as it is creating division between me and not me there is no peace on earth. We are ignorant to learn about its activities and working nature, as much as we are unaware of our breathing. It is very simple to observe thought divides people in
the name of religion, nationality, caste, god and what not ideologies, creed, color, language, financial status....etc. It divides because its existence is based on division, and where ever there is division there must be conflict.
We are interested to discuss, analyze, talk about the misery in the world, but ignorant to know about ourselves. In us lies the whole world, in whatever part of the world you might be you suffer and rest also, you desire for something and rest also, you live with darkness of fear and rest also, and you reduced the activity of brain to seek security and the rest also, you think and the rest also. These are all common factors to humanity yet you are living with a misunderstanding that there is your thinking, your suffering, your desire...etc.
Your brain acts as a censor it judges and weighs all the time, it measures in terms of me and not me consciously or unconsciously. The extraordinarily intelligent brain is caught in fear; its functioning has been reduced to seek security. In learning about it you can correct its functionality which is negation of what is wrong in your understanding. This is the most fundamental social work that one can take up.
If selling weapons is my business, my security and my existence lies in dividing people and creating conflict, and you can observe what a havoc such a mind has created in the world. Because of this selfish mind children are living without proper care, huge numbers of people are living in poverty, disorder where ever you see, endless corruption. Now it's up to you, whether you want to be a victim of this selfish mind or you want to act intelligently, sanely and a heart filled with love which is untouched by selfish thought, such a living might be dangerous, lead to death or it might be an extraordinary life full of beauty and richness, can you stand for it without waiting for the society to change?
Outwardly we advanced tremendously but inwardly we just think that we matured, but please question your thinking?
You might feel strange but we became slaves to our brain, when you don't question your own knowledge you are a slave. If you open up your eyes and see the world you can observe for yourself what this brain has done to the humanity for its own convenience.
Behind every corruption, self centered activity, misery, suffering, brutality the activity of the brain exists. As long as it is creating division between me and not me there is no peace on earth. We are ignorant to learn about its activities and working nature, as much as we are unaware of our breathing. It is very simple to observe thought divides people in
the name of religion, nationality, caste, god and what not ideologies, creed, color, language, financial status....etc. It divides because its existence is based on division, and where ever there is division there must be conflict.
We are interested to discuss, analyze, talk about the misery in the world, but ignorant to know about ourselves. In us lies the whole world, in whatever part of the world you might be you suffer and rest also, you desire for something and rest also, you live with darkness of fear and rest also, and you reduced the activity of brain to seek security and the rest also, you think and the rest also. These are all common factors to humanity yet you are living with a misunderstanding that there is your thinking, your suffering, your desire...etc.
Your brain acts as a censor it judges and weighs all the time, it measures in terms of me and not me consciously or unconsciously. The extraordinarily intelligent brain is caught in fear; its functioning has been reduced to seek security. In learning about it you can correct its functionality which is negation of what is wrong in your understanding. This is the most fundamental social work that one can take up.
If selling weapons is my business, my security and my existence lies in dividing people and creating conflict, and you can observe what a havoc such a mind has created in the world. Because of this selfish mind children are living without proper care, huge numbers of people are living in poverty, disorder where ever you see, endless corruption. Now it's up to you, whether you want to be a victim of this selfish mind or you want to act intelligently, sanely and a heart filled with love which is untouched by selfish thought, such a living might be dangerous, lead to death or it might be an extraordinary life full of beauty and richness, can you stand for it without waiting for the society to change?
Outwardly we advanced tremendously but inwardly we just think that we matured, but please question your thinking?
What you lose when you grow?
From the moment you open your eyes till the moment you close your eyes in this world the constant companion for every human being is "the process of learning"
When one is child:
Every child is blessed with sensitive and innocent mind which is open to learn new things.
a) Learning new things is natural for the child, this natural learning includes
having fun and joy and there is absence of struggle and effort.
b) A baby can look into your face with wide open eyes; because the child has not
yet formed any image about him/her which he/she should protect from your
c) As the child's mind is not burdened with psychological knowledge which is memory
he lives from moment to moment, because of which he is not subjected to
yesterday's burdens, that means thought is acting in its right place.
d) Also there is no effort to become something psychologically (famous, rich,
popular, near to god, recognition in the society).
e) The child doesn't need psychological security which is an illusion, which means
it doesn't exist. Psychological security means thinking that no body should
insult me, I should not do any mistake, what if somebody questions me when I
done something wrong.....etc, always protecting my image which I created about
myself as a respectful person, which is rather a dreadful thing, which causes
enormous loss of energy, makes me isolated from the rest of the humanity. He
obviously needs physical security from mother. What happens to all this beauty
and glory when one becomes elder person?
f) The first wrong step will be when a parent / teacher start teaching him
comparison and competition. You are putting him in a race knowingly or
unknowingly which will never ends. It is simple to observe the person who is
ambitious is always on the back of a result, he can only be happy when he meets
the result, rest of the time his life is filled with effort and struggle. He is
losing the present moment, where only the act of learning can happen. Putting
somebody as an ideal is also part of this race; learning from somebody is quite
different from worshiping some guru, politician, religious person. It is the
most undignified thing to fell on somebody's feet how great, noble he might be,
instead of being a light to yourself.
g) Slowly thought is overtaking the child's mind which is divisive and cunning in
its nature, where as insight is quiet different it occurs when your mind silent,
fresh and young not burdened with psychological knowledge. Insight might be the
thought which is rational, logical and sane. The constant chattering of the mind
is nothing but activity of the thought for "psychological security" as we said
it is an illusion.
h) Thought which springs from memory is limited, from that psychological knowledge
which is nothing but memory, thought creates image about yourself and the
others, not only others but about society, religions....etc. There is constant
effort and struggle in your mind to protect that image, which is again an
illusion not reality.
i) When two people who created images about themselves and about other person
meets, can they have true relationship? Initially they might meet closely, but
slowly their images are going to meet not the actual human beings. That means I
don't know what you are and you don't know what I am in reality, but we are
still good friends or good enemies to each other :-)
j) If you try to follow what is being said, you are going to fail. If you question
the content of this mail, understand it thoroughly then it is yours not mine,
because that day you can write hundred mails like this may be much better than
this. Action out of understanding is effortless, where as when you follow
somebody with out base (your own understanding), it breeds conflict.
When one is child:
Every child is blessed with sensitive and innocent mind which is open to learn new things.
a) Learning new things is natural for the child, this natural learning includes
having fun and joy and there is absence of struggle and effort.
b) A baby can look into your face with wide open eyes; because the child has not
yet formed any image about him/her which he/she should protect from your
c) As the child's mind is not burdened with psychological knowledge which is memory
he lives from moment to moment, because of which he is not subjected to
yesterday's burdens, that means thought is acting in its right place.
d) Also there is no effort to become something psychologically (famous, rich,
popular, near to god, recognition in the society).
e) The child doesn't need psychological security which is an illusion, which means
it doesn't exist. Psychological security means thinking that no body should
insult me, I should not do any mistake, what if somebody questions me when I
done something wrong.....etc, always protecting my image which I created about
myself as a respectful person, which is rather a dreadful thing, which causes
enormous loss of energy, makes me isolated from the rest of the humanity. He
obviously needs physical security from mother. What happens to all this beauty
and glory when one becomes elder person?
f) The first wrong step will be when a parent / teacher start teaching him
comparison and competition. You are putting him in a race knowingly or
unknowingly which will never ends. It is simple to observe the person who is
ambitious is always on the back of a result, he can only be happy when he meets
the result, rest of the time his life is filled with effort and struggle. He is
losing the present moment, where only the act of learning can happen. Putting
somebody as an ideal is also part of this race; learning from somebody is quite
different from worshiping some guru, politician, religious person. It is the
most undignified thing to fell on somebody's feet how great, noble he might be,
instead of being a light to yourself.
g) Slowly thought is overtaking the child's mind which is divisive and cunning in
its nature, where as insight is quiet different it occurs when your mind silent,
fresh and young not burdened with psychological knowledge. Insight might be the
thought which is rational, logical and sane. The constant chattering of the mind
is nothing but activity of the thought for "psychological security" as we said
it is an illusion.
h) Thought which springs from memory is limited, from that psychological knowledge
which is nothing but memory, thought creates image about yourself and the
others, not only others but about society, religions....etc. There is constant
effort and struggle in your mind to protect that image, which is again an
illusion not reality.
i) When two people who created images about themselves and about other person
meets, can they have true relationship? Initially they might meet closely, but
slowly their images are going to meet not the actual human beings. That means I
don't know what you are and you don't know what I am in reality, but we are
still good friends or good enemies to each other :-)
j) If you try to follow what is being said, you are going to fail. If you question
the content of this mail, understand it thoroughly then it is yours not mine,
because that day you can write hundred mails like this may be much better than
this. Action out of understanding is effortless, where as when you follow
somebody with out base (your own understanding), it breeds conflict.
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