Friday, September 30, 2011

Order in life..

I think human being has misunderstood the thing called "ORDER", for him order is particular to his life. For a politician safe guarding his power is order and for a scientist discovering about a particular issue is order and for most of us doing a job and taking care of our little family is order. As order is divided between you and me we are ending up with disorder in our lives. But see for nature it's a holistic thing it has to balance each and every particle of it. Taking care about ourselves is really necessary but the care that we take for ourselves can contribute to the whole of humanity. At least can we have a deep understanding that order is a holistic thing not fragmented thing? It seems from that understanding, comes the holistic action which can contribute to the peace in the world. If you understood that "you can not hurt others without hurting yourself" then your action or word will never hurt others, in this way you are contributing to the peace in the world. When you read news paper, watch television or observe in your day to day life try to realize how you and others are trying hard for something and thinking it is the order for all humanity.

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