Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why we are caught in illusions?

In a day all the time we are thinking, this thinking is about something, it may be about your friend, movie, car and one is unaware of this process. Now the question is, is that thinking really has any effect on your day to day life?
For example you are watching a TV show, in which there are some judges and they are commenting about the performance of the participants, after seeing that program or while seeing that program itself, your mind steps into the shoes of that judge and starts giving comments, because you might have a feeling that you can comment better than those judges.

So the mind is creating an imagination as you are a judge, but this imagination will never help you to become a judge, I mean that activity of commenting by yourself is never going to happen in your real life.

But why this goes on in one’s mind, the activity of imagination or illusion? May be when one can’t do something in real life, one play’s the same drama in his mind as an illusion. That means one is living perpetually in illusion or fulfilling his desires in imagination.

Can we end that activity of illusion in our day to day life? I think it is not possible to end illusion or the drama that is running in your mind in which you are the hero obviously by opposing illusion or by saying I must not be in a state of illusion.

Be aware of yourself when some illusion has over taken your mind and learn about the nature of illusion. Learn seriously and never say I must live without illusions and see what happens?

While learning you will find out how this endless entertainment in the form of sports, media, movies and also idealism gives birth for illusions, the unpurified knowledge is the root cause of our illusion. Not exercising your own mind just believing or getting satisfied with what I have written is also a form of illusion isn’t it?