Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Thought is division

Mind can easily get connected to or it can make relationship to things it is watching, when you are actually related to something understanding that thing is effortless for the mind. In order to relate to something the self must cease to exist, but vanishing of this self seems to be much more difficult than all the advancement of modern science including latest computer technology. Now what is preventing me and you to actually relate to something? Suppose let's say I am sitting in a park to exercise this task, if I am watching a leaf or a flower, for few seconds mind can watch it, but soon thought overtakes my mind and pretends as though it is helping me by analyzing the thing that I am watching and it is 100% true that it leads no where, because my whole life is filled up with this activity. If it is actually making your life beautiful there must be no sorrow in your life by this time. So basic fact is thought is dividing myself from the thing that I am watching whatever might be that thing, it might be a human being or a tree or mountain...etc. Is this nature of thought which is creating division between me and other forms is the root cause of all the chaos in the world? The whole of thought and its subordinates like fear, ego, anxiety, and authority they all revolve around or survive on a promise that they will provide security. Yet they are the most inefficient, to bring a feeling of being completely secured. What is inward security at all, what you and I want to feel secure about? What if inward security is nothing but another illusion created by thought? Is all my psychological effort and struggle are about an illusion? Is it not intelligence to find out that psychological security is nothing but an illusion? Is not alertness, awareness and intelligence gives us a feeling of being secured? So negation of my own knowledge which is not fact seems to be real spirituality. Please do take care that you are purifying the content that I am sending through these mails. If these mails are not bringing any change in your day to day life or if you feel these are not useful for undisturbed inner happiness better you avoid them.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self uses conflict for it's existance

Let’s say for example one day I was sitting lazily at home not doing any thing. After certain period of time the mind starts worrying about something and if we patiently observe the inner activities of our own mind, we can see how this pain came into being. I sit watching TV ignoring the important work that I need to complete, so inwardly I am thinking that it will be good if I complete that work but outwardly my action is trying to escape from that work by watching TV, even though if you are doing some other task other than that important work still this pain exists. We used to ignore that pain, some how our mind is conditioned to ignore inner disturbances. As long as we are ignoring we can say there is a division, and where ever there is division there must be conflict it’s the law of the nature. Conflict which is friction, slowly deteriorates the mind. By being sensitive to our inner disturbances we can learn facts which make life very beautiful and holistic. I feel outwardly every nationalist wants every other human being must carry the flag of his nation, and every religious person wants only his religion should be true to all other human beings. So knowingly or unknowingly I want everybody should think like me, feel like me. This we can observe even in our small discussions that will happen in daily life, how people take sides of a politician, guru, ideology, religion and assert their own opinions. Is not this assertion a form of violence? When there is no division between idea and action, it seems some other kind of energy from nature flows into our being, in that state the action is effortless and complete, this action is no less than any benediction. I wish a deep insight for you and me about what this division does to us.

The individual creates the group or society

One fine day he and his friend are talking to each other and here is the conversation. H - He HF - His Friend HF : Where are you coming from? H : I am coming from the park; today I joined the “DYAN” group. This group contains a small group of people who gathers in the park and does meditation, yoga and discuss about social reform. I am feeling satisfied by joining this group. HF : Is not satisfaction a hindrance to deep understanding about something? Is not the revolution of an individual has greater significance than collective revolution? H : But all the revolutions in the world are collective. HF : I don’t think so, the energy for those revolutions has been spread out from an individual, it may be Bhudha, Marx, Hitler, Tagore, Girban, Galib…etc. Some of them might have destroyed or brought peace to society, but they all took birth from the explosion of an individual’s insight into the disorder of human life. Even your “DYAN” group has also came from an individual’s mind isn’t it? H : There are so many youngsters doing charity work collectively, do you say it is wrong? HF : Yes and No! H : How come yes and no, it should be either yes or no? HF : They are wrong, when they are easily getting satisfied by just joining, (or) by doing some little work and think they did marvelous job (or) waiting for an article to come in the news paper or television about their group (or) when they compare with what they have done with what other group has accomplished. To put it simply when you don’t die to the good that you have done to others the self becomes strong. They are not wrong, only even though they are working collectively each group member is exerting his own energy to understand the issue and try to have new insights about the problem, the individual should not get carried away by the group. He must have capacity to question his own understanding as well as the group. I am not saying he should be in conflict with the group, but the mind should not be slave to any other, the other might be a group, religious organization, guru, ideology, ideal…etc. In one of the meeting Jaya Prakash Narayan quoted like this “When a human being is working and the desire for fame or recognition are absent GOD will be along with him”